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 In her everlasting pursuit to strengthen her bond with the elements and the title of Avatar, Korra agrees to undergo a series of brutal and life threatening trials the likes of which haven't been seen for a thousand years.

 Despite the peaceful nature of the air nomads, the final trial of the main elements is no less treacherous than the previous three. During a dangerous storm and in howling winds, Korra is bound tightly to an air glider and sets off her flight from a mountain peak. The air is nearly too thin to breathe, and ropes further restrict her breathing. She has to keep her head up to keep the rope around her neck from tightening further, and through it all frigid wind and rain pelt her vulnerable body. Forbidden from using airbending, she must use the power of her muscles to twist the glider and keep aloft with the storm's wind currents. One flinch or hesitation could easily send her spiralling out of control toward the ground far below.




Wow 😍 Now I’m wondering how Asami reacts to her new muscles when she returns…


I wonder what other plans Asami as for Korra. Also, I like this one as much as I like the earthbending one, but the firebending one is still my favorite.