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It was between getting this out and the character Q&A this month, and I wanted to wrap this story up and give you guys a different insight into Rachel and Amy's relationship.

Hope you enjoy and as always, comments are really appreciated! Next I'd like to do something with Sam or Ellie.

 "Stay with me..." Amy whined softly as she rolled over onto her back. With one hand she had the large bedsheets tucked up to her chest and with the other, she sleepily pawed at her girlfriend.

 Stood by the bed, Rachel finished her search for her clothes and turned around - her expression amused and just a little pitying. Amy's eyes looked bigger when she wasn't wearing her glasses, making her seem even more child-like as she grabbed out like she was reaching for a missing toy. It was as far as she could reach without moving from the warmth of their bed and exposing herself to the brisk winter morning. The shorter girl was somewhat braver when it came to the cold, and was half way through getting dressed. Only the goose bumps on her tanned skin betrayed that she was feeling the chill at all.

"I can't - need to do my morning run!" smiling, Rachel put her arms over her head and pulled on the tight sports bra that could barely stretch over her shoulders. Amy squinted, but without her glasses,  her girlfriend looked like a blurry blob even from just a few feet away. She couldn't see Rachel rolling her eyes, but she did, quite excitingly, see the blurry mass crawl onto the bed toward her and fade into focus. "Perv. Need a closer look?" Rachel cooed, and Amy gleefully turned on her back to let Rachel straddle her, those beautiful, muscular thighs holding her waist firmly through the duvet. Rachel leaned forward and gripped the headboard to let her abs loom inches above Amy's face.

 "Y-yeah, that works!" Amy squeaked. Rachel peered down, her long locks of hair casting her face in shadow and brushing against her girlfriend. The blonde stared lazily, happily at the jagged definition thrust before her. Rachel was breathing slowly and carefully so that her audience could watch the ridges of her stomach swell and crumple. It was a well practiced performance. "How do they feel today? Aching?" as Amy asked, the memories of yesterday's mammoth training session hung in the air, and it was a delight to see Rachel's muscles twitch in instinctive defense. When Amy looked carefully, she could still make out a couple of faded marks.

 "Not even a bit - I guess my recovery's getting better. You're gonna have to step it up next time." Rachel bragged. She might have been lying. The shorter girl showed a monstrous capacity for resisting pain when she wanted to. She exhaled dramatically, and pressed her hands down to flex her stomach hard. Her already chiselled abs sprung to life, making Amy quiver with delight.

Braving the cold she pulled her arms from under the duvet, to grip Rachel by the obliques. "That's it..." she pushed her thumbs in, testing the firm resistance of the tan muscles. After letting Amy have a few seconds, Rachel breathed in, relaxed, and straightened up. The light from the window hit her abs perfectly, but Amy's expression hardened as she looked at a deep, red welt. It crept across Rachel's upper stomach, beneath her bra and even showing on her chest. A raised, red scar across the valley of beautiful muscles. She brushed her hand on it and, even though Rachel made no complaint, her body gave a tell-tale twitch. "Did I get too rough yesterday?" she asked, firmly.

 Rachel shook her head, which made her sleek hair shimmer. "I'd have said the safe word if you had. You know that." she gave her a gentle kiss before straightening up and looking to the door. "Now I've really got to go-"

 "No!" Amy barked, grabbing onto Rachel's wrist. "And... that's an order!"

 Her commanding voice worked better with a whip, a dungeon, and a lot of ropes to back it up. Bundled up beneath the duvet and a pile of fluffy pillows didn't give her the air of authority that she so often mastered. Rachel turned back, smirking. 

 The gymnast's movements from there were smooth, prowling and powerful. She took hold of one of Amy's wrists in each hand and the token resistance from the taller girl did nothing to move her grip - at best it made Rachel's forearm muscles flicker. It was easy for her to pin both of Amy's wrists to the headboard with one hand. She played with the girls short blonde hair with her free hand, and kept her voice low, "And what if I refuse? We're not in the basement now, Amy..."

Amy couldn't suppress a giggle, and squirmed. She really tried to get free, throwing her shoulders side to side and trying to lift her hips - despite her short stature, Rachel was deceptively heavy. It was to no avail. So, she had other options. Threaten? Bargain? Ramp up the Mistress persona?

 Looking Rachel straight in the eye, Amy squeaked, "...please? I'm cold..."

 After a couple more seconds of staring down the glistening blue eyes, Rachel had to concede, and tugged at the duvet. "That's low. Okay, come here..." she sighed happily and crawled back under the covers with her. She pulled her close, and Amy eagerly wrapped herself around her muscular girlfriend, who's broader body was like a furnace compared to the blonde's own slim frame. Rachel's warm breath brushed her collarbone and their legs intertwined. Amy snaked her hands to hold the battle hardened back muscles that shifted under her touch. It was warm, comfortable, secure.

 As she started lazily stroking Rachel's hair, she grinned. "You know... I'll have to punish you later on for missing your morning jog..."

 A happy noise came from the mass of dark hair beneath her, followed by something more firm, more confident.

 "Bring it."



I love the dynamic between those two 😍


Thanks for story. Time for Ellie to come to the show i hope. Academy can't be less harsh than it use to be.