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(contains: muscle, bondage, electro-play, sweat, sadomasochism, girl/girl)

 Well! Got this finished, had to delay the picture a little bit to post these at the same time, but I hope the read is going to be worth it. This story's based on my recent commission, it's a scenario that I just kind of... ended up rolling with in a way that I don't with a lot of stories! Opinions really appreciated - Your guys' feedback and support keeps me writing :)


Shock Training Session

  With a full foot of height difference between herself and her Amazonian girlfriend, Hana Song needed a large stool to reach up to Brigitte's outstretched hands and still found herself reaching to her tiptoes. She worked a thick rope expertly around and between her wrists, in just the way she had studied to make a tight binding without cutting off too much blood flow. Whenever her dainty, nimble fingers brushed against the thick, calloused palms of her lover it made her shiver with delight. With a firm tug, they were in place, and she set to securing them to one of the empty hooks of her wall mounted tool rack.

  "There we go!" Hana announced brightly, hopping down. She spun on her heel to take a look at her work. Brigitte had a nervous but eager smile on her pretty face. "All tied up in my workshop - I can do whatever I want with you now!" she teased. The towering mechanic bit her lip.

  The vulnerable expression, the soft giggle and the pretty face were all undercut by Brigitte's absolute tank of a body. She had broad, beefy shoulders and defined arms that were as thick as Hana's thighs. Firm, generous breasts were pushed up by thick pectoral muscles barely covered by the dangling material of her loose, cropped vest. Below, her core was thick as a trunk, and looked just as strong. Hana noted that when most people rose their arms or stretched, so would their stomach, tightening, flattening into a more concave shape. But not Brig. Even with her arms pulled high enough to force her to her toes, hulking plates of abdominal muscle pushed out into a chiselled, arcing six pack. A body forged by a lifetime of functional work, both in and out of the gym. There was no doubt in Hana's mind - if Brigitte wanted to  she could tear that mount out of the wall, break free from the ropes, take a hold of her much smaller girlfriend and absolutely-

  "Sweetie, you're making me nervous..." the musical accent from the suspended woman snapped Hana out of her fantasy and whatever frenzied expression of lust had been on her face.

  "Just admiring the view." she replied, drinking in the sight of her body and  being obvious about it. It was fun to make Brigitte blush. She pressed her palm to the damp surface of the chiselled girls gut, prompting a whine.

  "Sh-shouldn't I at least take a shower, first?" Brigitte was glistening with the fresh sweat of her latest workout. Just minutes earlier she had been working out with whatever she could salvage from Hana's workshop. Pressing chunks of metal heavier than her own bodyweight and undertaking circuits of punishing cardio while Hana tinkered with her latest project.

  The smaller girl grinned and shook her head, stepping away to uncoil the nest of wires that were spread out on her workbench. She explained as she worked; "No no no. Sweat's a great conductor, you see. It'll help this work better, make it more..." she paused for a moment to look for the right word. Entertaining? Arousing? That would be mean... she settled. "Effective." Wires untangled and in hand, she came back to the bound behemoth. Eight lengths of thick, white wire were topped with a two inch adhesive pad, on the other end conjoining into a thicker lead that, by a couple of insulators and extenders, connected to what was essentially a small but powerful battery. There was more to it than that of course, careful calculations in safety and efficiency, controls and failsafes, but the loose description had been enough for Brig. She would more at home in a medieval smithy than Hana's state of the art workshop, and didn't understand much about the latter. Hana did appreciate the amount of trust that Brigitte put in her - it hadn't gone to waste. Her own research had been thorough. She took her time in attaching the sticky pads to each block of Brigitte's thrust out abdomen, keeping up close and personal. Each breath sent a bead of sweat or a subtle, flickering vein or into focus, a living pattern of beauty and strength for Hana to hopelessly gawk at. She adjusted every patch until they were perfectly in position and absolutely secure. It was a shame to cover even an inch of the woman's tummy, but it was going to be worth it.

  Looking around with a mixture of nerves and confusion, Brigitte spoke to try and ease the atmosphere. "Where's the remote, did you lose it?" she trailed off as Hana shook her head and began to unzip her skin-tight flight suit. For those moments the subtle clink of unwinding zipper dominated the room as the material parted to show Hana's pale skin, teasing soft, modest breasts and toned abs. She swayed her hips softly, tantalising, letting her horny girlfriend think she was stripping before reaching in and pulling out a small, square hunk of metal.

  "Got it right here." it looked unassuming enough. A box with a small dial. It would have the 6'3" Amazon on her knees by the days end. Hana must have worn that thought on her face, because Brigitte had that cute look of apprehension again. She rolled her eyes and clicked the dial from '0' to '1'.

  A light electric current poured through the wires into Brigitte's abs, and her eyes widened. Emboldened, she straightened up a little and smiled. "Tickles." Brigitte said brightly. Hana looked more closely at the pads - it was hard to even tell anything was happening. She raised her eyebrows.

  "Just easing you in... we're only at 1 out of 10, you know. But we'll need to train you up for a couple weeks to be ready for the 100 percent." she clicked the dial onto 2, and took delight in the surprised twitch of Brigitte's body that sent a ripple of flexing around her muscles. Her abs especially tensed up softly. The larger girls mouth was carefully in an 'o' shape. "How's that feel?" Hana asked, almost keeping the perverted leering out of her voice.

  "F-fine." she blinked a couple of times, looked down, then back up, staring off into the distance with her eyebrows low. "Weird."

  Despite asking, Hana knew exactly how it felt - she had tested these on herself the previous day for the sake of safety. Right now, a thousand times a second, light pin pricks were probing the outer layers of each slab of Brigitte's thick abs. Constant, unyielding and intimate. A tickle half way to pain that was something different to a normal sensation. Exciting and unfamiliar, but just getting started. She brushed her fingers over the muscles, the current running up her arm, making her fingertips tingle. The mildly unpleasant sensation no match for the euphoria of running her palm over Brig's twitching body. Against her better judgement, she leaned in and kissed the salty skin as quick as she could. It left her mouth numb and she arced back, rubbing her lips. Brigitte was sniggering, "Am I that irresistible?"

  "R'sh'd-" Hana blushed as her mouth didn't quite cooperate in response, and worked her jaw for a few more moments, then folding her arms. "Just giving you a little support! You looked so nervous, like you were about to give in!"

  "No way!" The towering girl snorted, puffing her chest out. Hana could make out the hardened nipples pushing against the fabric of her top. "I can take so much more-AGH!!" She was interrupted by the click of Hana's remote and double the voltage piercing her body. The mount she hung from clanged against her dead weight as for the first moment the flow of electricity through her abdominals snapped her knees to her chest in an involuntary knee raise and explosion of muscle. She grit her teeth and threw her head back. After ten seconds, Hana gave her a rest, flicking the dial back to zero.

  "You were saying? That was only a four out of ten." In that moment Hana was glad Brigitte was tied up - for a moment it looked like the enormous girl wanted to throttle her. But then, Brigitte grinned.

  "I was saying..." Hana recognised the look on her face - it was the look she had when she was underneath a barbell twice her size. The look of gutting out an exercise to failure before picking the weights back up. Hunger. "I can take so. Much. More."

  Click. Hana thumbed the dial onto '5', only giving her overconfident girlfriend a raised eyebrow and a smirk. Brigitte's body jolted again with the yet higher voltage, but something was different. Her knees raised but slammed back down. The muscles of Brigitte's thick neck tensed and reddened. She grit her teeth and shut her eyes, hissing quick but controlled breaths. She was fighting for self control, enduring the searing sensation pumping mercilessly through her abs. And those abs... they twitched violently, chomping, flexing monsters being forced into deep, involuntary tension a hundred times a second. Under this punishment even her hulking stomach tightened into defined,  ripping sinews. The girl started to grunt and groan through her sharp breaths, a deep, intimidating noise from her core. When she cried out more loudly, Hana came to her senses - how long had she been lost, staring at that body while Brigitte suffered? She turned off the power and  lunged toward the woman, pulling at the pads. "Babe! I'm so sorry - are you okay?" the slippery sweat and undulating of her girlfriends stomach with her heavy panting made it hard to get a grip on them. She needn't have bothered.

  "Who's... giving in... now?" Hana looked up to the voice, and was left breathless by Brig's calm, collected expression. A bead of sweat fell from the girl's chin down onto Hana's nose. Hana bit her lip. Impulse drove her to push her lips against the damp washboard of her lovers lower stomach. And she licked, delighting in the warm, soft sensation. On reaching her belly button, she circled her tongue around the circular outie, then further up. Her tongue was lightly squeezed between the hard slabs of layered muscle. She finished her run with a very wet kiss to Brigitte's solar plexus. Her sweet Swedish accent was dripping with confidence. "Let's turn it up." she suggested, brightly.

  There was an unused dust rag on the  nearest workbench, large and bright pink, fitting with the theme of Hana's workshop. It would do, she thought  as she grabbed it and got back up on her stool behind Brigitte. She tightly and roughly tied the rag around her eyes as an ad-hoc blindfold. "If you say so, Briggy." she chirped, "A tough girl like you doesn't need to know when the shocks are coming, does she?" with that, she bounded back to the floor and set her hand on the dial again. Brigitte was taking the extra challenge in stride, even biting her lip happily. "Uh, you don't want to be doing that when I turn the current back on." Hana pointed out.

  "Oops, sorr-agh!!" the moment Brigitte spoke Hana twisted the dial up to '6', sending Brigitte back into a whirl of erotic pain and forced flexing. The woman's unprepared body thrashed, the rack above her rattling with the weight again. The current itself being deceptively silent meant that the room was filled with her low gasps and grunts.

  "Thirty seconds, give me thirty! That's twenty left! Can you do that?" Hana called sharply to cut through the noise. Brigitte's nodding response might have been intentional through the electricity fuelled spasms. Better be sure though, "Say it!"

  Brig's stature straightened, and her body looked truly Herculean as she took some control back, locking her twitching muscles in place and arching her back. Her she bared her teeth like a growling wolf and her shaking mouth opened "I-I can do it!"

  Over the next twenty seconds, Hana stared, clenching white-knuckled at her bodysuit, dizzy with endorphins and a deep warmth that flowered from her core to her fingertips. Brigitte was a roaring, powerful beast. She steadied herself, fought the wild thrashing caused by her electricity surging into her body. It carved rapid, transforming patters with her muscle fibres as a canvas, dripping and moaning and squealing and towering over the Korean girl. She almost forgot to turn the voltage back off.

  When it was over, Brigitte's body slumped, panting. The mount above her creaked as it took her weight. Hana swooped in, pushing her face against her throbbing core with each of Brigitte's ragged breaths it pushed the meaty mass firmly against her lips, then retreated and Hana pushed further. Slipped her tongue between the crevasses traced sinews. Her hands wrapped around Brigitte's waist and trailed down quickly to find their target - a full handful of thick, twitching oblique muscle on each side. She squeezed hard and they pushed back. Hot and wet as every other inch of the recovering Amazon. Her own legs were shaking. Hana came up for breath after a couple of minutes, dazed until she spied her girlfriend smiling down at her.

  "Having fun?" her voice was strained, but sweet as ever.

  "Uh huh..." Hana replied slowly, unsteady. She felt light headed. "Y-you? That looks like it... hurts..."

  Brigitte considered her for a moment, and then planted her feet more firmly to take her own weight. A deep breath rattled her body and stayed her lingering tremors. There was still the softness in her voice that came from this kind if overexertion, but her head seemed clear. "Everything hurts. I th-thought it'd just be my abs, but it's... everywhere." just before Hana had a chance for guilt to wash over her, the girl continued. "I... wanna know my limit." Her voice became firm as she said it. "It's like I'm on fire... like I'm gonna explode! And then... and then it's over, and I f-feel like I've just finished the hardest workout of my life, my body's-" she gave a great shudder that didn't feel to Hana like it was based on fear.

  "You're amazing, babe. You look..." Hana was lost for words, "- fucking amazing." She took a step back, waited just long enough for Brigitte to be unable to predict when the current was coming, and turned the dial all the way to '7'.

  Brigitte's flex was so hard and sudden that sweat sprayed from the rapidly engorged muscles of her abs. The subtle patter of individual droplets hitting the floor like a dozen pin pricks to Hana's ears. This time, Brigitte threw her head back and screamed, the outburst quickly subdued as she clenched her teeth, forcing the sound into a growl. She wrenched back control of her body once more, but her shaking had grown even more severe, breathing faster, the cascade of sounds more desperate.

  "Thirty seconds!" Hana reminded her, this time really needing to shout over her girlfriend, "You can do it!" This time Brigitte's nod was more clear, if by just how frantic it was. The girl let out a deep, intimidating howl. The drawn out exhalation sucked in her twitching stomach, drawing her lean skin over countless veins and striations that cut even more detail into the absurdly defined muscle. She didn't take another breath in, Hana wondered if it was even possible for her to. Brigitte had grown quieter, yet the convulsions were getting stronger. If the thirty seconds hadn't been up that very moment, Hana would have turned the power off anyway.

  Brigitte's mouth flew open with a huge, rattling gulp of breath. She was shaking so much that Hana double checked to see if she had turned the current off properly. Her feet weren't planted on the floor so she hung from her wrists, which made her shoulders look magnificent, spreading her lats wide and emphasising the jagged shapes along her upper obliques. Hana put a hand to the girls side reassuringly but flinched as a static shock arced to her palm and left her fingers tingling. A fraction of a fraction of what she had putting her girlfriend through. The shaking felt even more severe through touch.

  Hana's own sense and reason won out again, even as the one hand pressed against the sweating, pulsing muscle almost sent her over the edge of ecstasy. "We... we can stop..."

  "Are you... kidding!?" Brigitte half whined, half gasped. Her head fell back and she took another deep breath. Sweat trickled down her on the exhale and pattered against the floor. With a groan she pushed her head forward, Hana could almost hear those overburdened shoulders creak, or maybe it was the wall mount holding her up. "Think I'm n-not strong, enough?"

  That made Hana snort, Brigitte was drowning her in strength. Strength wasn't the issue. Hana tried to compromise, stammering, "Well... we can't go past eight without.. without a few sessions practice first. Your body needs to-"

"  I want nine." despite still twitching from the lingering current and trauma of her muscles, Brigitte's voice was deep, deliberate, serious. Hana felt defeated, she pinched the bridge of her nose and thought it through. Perhaps... well, at least it would force Brigitte to end things quickly?

  "Fine." she didn't argue any further, but did add, "Dummy." - Brigitte smirked at the gentle jab. She hesitated with her hand on the dial, then counted "Three. Two... One." before making her girlfriend's world explode.

  She regretted it immediately.

  A colossal racket rattled Hana's head as the wall mount was pulled out by its screws, crashed to the floor and dragged Brigitte down with it, her body splatting on the dampened ground. The impact if the hard, meaty muscle of her back to ceramic sounded violent. Her body was trapped in a deep, upward arch from the floor, hips thrust upward and her twitching feet slipping in her sweat. Hana threw her hands over her mouth, dropping her remote in the process. The sight was too much. Her gaze was locked on the her girlfriend's distended midsection which was bulging out even from her stretched position. The definition of the throbbing squares of muscle was brutish, and the shifting, twitching and grinding against each other nothing less than violent. The current was forcing every sinew and fibre beyond a normal flex, and doing it a hundred times a second. Veins had crept up across her entire body as the power had grown strong enough to put almost as much strain onto every other inch of her. It was an agonising, repeated full body flex. Steaming sweat rolled down muscle valleys familiar and newly forged. It was a display of the most brutal muscle torture, enacted on the beautiful, freckled, brunette bombshell that was Hana's gentle, loving girlfriend.

  In a dread infused moment of clarity, Hana dropped to her knees and scrambled for the remote, "Okay! Okay that's enough!" her shaking hands turned it over in her hand once she found it, and fumbled at the dial.

  "T-TEN! GIVE ME TEN!!" Brigitte howled, her voice so desperate and aggressive that Hana almost dropped the remote again. The larger woman's beet red face was clenched, expression mangled by agony the blindfold had slipped off and hung loosely from her neck. When her eyes flickered open it looked like they were rolling back, only for the girl to shake her head again in what was likely a second-by-second fight for consciousness. Hana's selfish, lustful urges crashed against her concern for her girlfriend. She shook her head.


  "BABY PLEASE!!" the ropes came apart from Brigitte's wrists in a frayed mess that must have been hanging on by a thread for a while. She rolled onto her side, and moved by throwing limbs one by one in whatever direction she needed and holding the twitching mass in place. The engorged muscles barely responded, and her gasps were in human. After a few seconds of inhuman struggle she was on her hands and knees, head bowed. Hana was holding her breath, leaning back and frozen by a bizarre confliction of horror, concern and brain-melting desire. Brigitte's head raised. Her ponytail had fallen out, leaving her hair as a flowing mop of auburn. Her face was tear streaked, wrinkled with strain, but for a moment she managed to open her eyes and smile.

  Click. Hana barely realised she'd twisted the dial onto '10'. Full power. Everything the batteries had, coursing into Brigitte's defenceless, exhausted body.

  The effect was as immediate as it was extreme as Brigitte's head flew back again, wide eyes almost entirely weight, lips parted and teeth gritted, their white a sharp contrast to the dark red flush that had coated most of her face and neck. There wasn't the scream that Hana expected, nor the heaving, ragged breaths. In the eerie quiet, she heard the rustling of Brigitte's clothes, the dripping sweat, the clawing of fingernails on the floor. The sinews of Brigitte's shoulders and forearms popped like Hana had never seen, and were no less scary a sight than her face. This had gone too far. Hana reached for the remote but a sharp bang interrupted her. Brigitte had stamped her foot on the floor, one knee drawn forward. Her shaking hands clutched her thigh and pushed up from it. The smaller girl shrunk away in disbelief. The pair made eye contact again, and Hana felt foolish to have ever doubted Brigitte. Those shiny, teary brown eyes were piercing her. And she pinned Hana to the floor with that stare as she started to rise.

  Against reason, against all that Hana thought possible, her girlfriend stood up straight. Her breaths were rapid, short and strained, every inch of her shaking violently. It was slow, every movement a fight, every twitch threatening to topple her. But she rose, foot by foot and straightened up.

  Hana was used to the large height difference between herself and Brigitte, but this felt different. From her knees with the absolute Goddess growling down at her with that ungodly pump, her girlfriend looked colossal. "Thirty seconds!" Hana cried again, setting Brigitte's final challenge.

  Muscles squirmed, sweat flowed. The onslaught against the larger girl's impossible body continued. Brigitte didn't buckle or falter, showing an unrelenting self control in the face of brutal punishment. Thirty seconds passed - maybe - probably a lot more than thirty, but in her daze Hana managed to at long last show Brigitte some mercy, and flip the emergency off switch on her remote.

  Brigitte dropped to her knees, hunched shoulders rising and falling as her shallow breaths turned into deep, heaving gulps. Even kneeling she dwarfed Hana, and even weakened, exhausted and at her absolute limit, she was utterly victorious. Hana closed in for one of the longest, hungriest kisses of her life.


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