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A touch late with this for Patrons, so this is going public immediately. Hope you guys like it - I've also added a very short story, and since it's been a while I decided to make it public.

If you haven't seen already, Patrons can vote on which WWE Superstar I draw in the most recent poll. As of writing this the results are close!

Comments on the art or story are always appreciated! :)


 Squats. Hip thrusts. Extensions. Curls. Presses. The cycle is always the same in Chun Li's punishing daily leg sessions, in which she crucifies her most beloved feature in the name of strength and growth. She's used to pushing past endurance, the swelling muscles exploding beneath her tight leggings, her breaths tight and desperate, body so hot and pumped her leotard feels like it's squeezing the life out of her. The sickliness and dizziness she feels as her body puts its normal functions on the backburner to fuel and repair her heaving thigh muscles that scream under the onslaught of built up lactic acid and torn fibres, they're each simply one more challenge to endure. After years of taking on these supersets every single day, she was an expert.

 No matter a fight win or loss, a gym session, hard or easy going, her days always end with this.

 Squats. Hip thrusts. Extensions. Curls. Presses. Max weight, max reps, back to back with no breaks in between. The minutes feel like hours as she burns herself out hard and fast, and after she finishes with a pained scream, her only rest is the time it takes to crawl between machines and lower the weights, if only slightly. Again.

 Squats. Hip thrusts. Extensions. Curls. Presses. It's less weight, but it hurts even more. The movements are just barely possible with her exhausted muscles, wringing out every last drop of possible strength, exhaustion and pain without pushing her over the edge. Once more, each exercise is done until Chun Li cannot manage a single rep. Again.

 Squats. Hip thrusts. Extensions. Curls. Presses. The fighter is rarely thinking straight at this point, that's why it's so important to burn these movements, this session into her mind. Her body works as commanded, again and again and again. Her legs want it. Crave it. They keep pumping even as her mind is near shattered.

 Once sated, she rests, knowing that she is now that much stronger, that much quicker. The healing hurts almost as much as the reps, but it's satisfying. With her exceptional training, Chun Li knows that they'll be recovered by tomorrow, just in time for her next superset.




Wow, what an intense and well-written little story! You have always been painting a picture the workout-focussed lives of your characters with a few powerful, detailed descriptions like this, and you’re getting even better at it. In fact, your pictures are hardly able to match the intensity of the descriptions sometimes ;) If anything, after reading it, the Chun Li in my mind looks way more desperate, sweaty, flushed, and in pain, so I just imagine that the picture is at the very start of her session :)