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Hi everyone, I have a quick update for the month ahead and some exciting plans to announce.

 With June being Pride Month, all the pictures I post are going to be couples pictures! I'm also going to be more active than usual so you'll be getting content more often. On top of that, things like sketch requests will go on as normal.

 I've put a bunch of work into getting these pictures ready and I think everyone will really like them. I'm still working on a few that I hope to have finished before the end of the month. This will start off tomorrow with the release of the finished Korrasami picture (the sketch of which I posted here yesterday). This is also going to include another mini-story for you to enjoy.

 Thanks again for your support, and if you have any couples you'd like to see, give me your suggestions!



Have you read Adrian Tchaikovsky's "The Doors of Eden"?


Firstly I think Tchaikovsky is one of the best fiction writers currently working, not just in sci-fi but fiction in general. Why brought it up was because 1, the main viewpoint character is a gay woman and 2, in the prologue her lover goes missing and when she shows up again four years later we get this description "It wasn't the coat that was too big, Lee saw, Mal was too big. Wherever she'd been, they'd had a gym. She was broader across the shoulders. The hand she reached out with had scarred knuckles and unfamiliar callouses." So yeah, it does seem like your sort of thing.


Yeah definitely a cool start, I'm actually reading a series right now but I'll look into it. Thanks for the recommendation man :)


I might be overselling a bit. Mal's offstage most of the book and descriptions of her muscle/strength make up about a paragraph's worth of text of a nearly 600 page story. Even so I'm saying "Doors" specifically and Tchaikovsky in general is well worth reading. If you don't mind me asking, what's the series you're reading?


Yeah I understand that, but always cool to see strong women in media, physically and character-wise. I'm reading The Expanse.