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My main drive for keeping up with this writing is as thanks to you Patrons, so I really hope you enjoy it and would love to hear feedback. You're very appreciated!

So, this is more writing from the very intense session between our favourite princess/catgirl power couple! It's just over 1K words and I'd just like to clarify that rather than being straight up chapters, I'm posting large segments that are a little separated and all works in progress. Some things may not match up perfectly and there's a lot of connective tissue to add at the end, but once I'm finished I'll be releasing the whole thing as a complete story.

Part 1/ 2 & picture: https://www.patreon.com/posts/60401512 

Part 3: https://www.patreon.com/posts/61508592


"Twenty five. Twenty s-six..." - surely she was about to cave. Any moment her arms, her grip, her spirit would fail and she would collapse and beg for mercy. Adora's reps slowed, her face contorted, her muscles swelled, hard as stone. With every rep Catra felt her legs weaken. She willed the girl to stop, and by the time she came back to her senses she had lost count of Adora's reps again, but the larger girl had found herself half way through a rep, trapped with elbows at 90 degrees and unable to lift any more but still pushing.

 The greedy observer clawed at Adora's leggings, snatching them down a couple more inches to reveal the very bottom lines of her astonishing v-cuts and the veins coiling around them, on the verge of baring her womanhood. "Again!" Catra barked.

"Rest... I need... just... just a minute... please..." Adora's words came in desperate, breathy gasping.

Catra folded her arms like a child who'd had a toy taken away, weighing up the fun of breaking Adora now or drawing out the failure for longer. "Fine. One condition." She grabbed her ankles and pulled them up, leaving Adora in an L sit. The blonde whined and threw her head back as Catra let go, but kept her shaking feet in place. She understood, but Catra commanded her anyway - "You keep your feet there. Shouldn't be a problem for... um.." she trailed off as she lost herself gazing into the glistening washboard before her, then growled with a cracking voice as embarrassment burned in her again. "Ugh, you're pathetic!" Catra wasn't sure if she was trying to address Adora or herself, but her frustrated demeanour eased again as the warrior princess started to move her feet again. Catra watched, dreamily.

It hurt. It really hurt - much more than Adora was letting on. Her hands were raw, screaming stumps locked to the bar like they were part of the metal. The strain of it pulled down her wrists, stretched her forearms and made her shoulders ache. Each exhausted muscle didn't hurt in isolation but sent a cascade of pain through each connected joint and fibre. As with her wrists, her tiring abs forced more work onto her quads, her pointing toes cramped into position made her bulging calves fight for space beneath her leggings. It was utter overload.

 But it made Catra look at her like that. Adora peered down at her blushing lover through watery eyes, then shut them tight and wrenched another rep out of her overworked abs. Toes right to the bar. Legs straight. Every rep as perfect as physically possible. No shortcuts and no mercy. She had to be a soldier. For her. There was pride, too in being able to do this, having built herself up over months - rather than trying to ignore it, Adora focused on the cavalcade of sensations coursing through her. The intense burn, yes, the swelling of muscle against muscle and straining tendons of fiber. Her sweat tickling her as it rolled between her breasts and down her abs, coursing along sinews like intricate rivers.

 Thought was slowly succumbing to instinct as the heat, the pain and the arousal all at once were sending her delirious. It was impossible to focus. The only solution was to rep. Rep. Rep.

 The clanging of her feet hitting the bar above her started grow distant. The sound of her own grunts and shouts became fainter. Rep. Rep. Rep.

Blackness was closing in at the edges of her vision. Rep. Rep...

 White hot pain struck and the world burst back into colour. Knives in her obliques. Adora screamed and threw her head back.

 Catra pulled her sharp claws back from Adora's shredded serratus muscles, having half expected to rake across them like metal - but no, they'd left a dark red trail just fine and shocked the girl awake. "Can't you hear me!? I said hold it half way!" she repeated. The girl didn't respond immediately, her head having listed back. Her neck looked mighty, reddened and shining with twin chords running down toward her clear cut collarbones. Catra gave the right side of those obliques the same treatment and at last that seemed to force her into motion. The legs rose half way again, shuddering violently. Adora's abs punched out, flexed so hard, so swollen together that they paradoxically looked less ripped. They just seemed forced into one tight mound with the hints of her eight pack carved into it.

 With a light touch Catra pried Adora's ankles apart. She strode forward proudly between her legs, the thin fabric of the leggings on each side of her shrink wrapped over quivering muscle. Catra rose her arms and rested her elbows on Adora's thighs. The girl squealed but held position, and Catra leaned to one side, watching the hulking  obliques in front of her swell to accommodate. She put her palm onto Adora's steaming abs and curled her fingers to make her claws softly prick at the wet skin. The girl twitched.

 "What? You can heal these up the minute we're done, remember? It's just a little extra..." she punctuated her following word by clawing downward across all four distended plates, "..pain!"

 This time Adora didn't cry out. It was a desperate rasp as her body bucked. She was grunting like an animal and Catra replied with a sadistic giggle. She admired her handy-work, confident enough in the fact that she could claw her girlfriend up as much as she liked without any lasting damage if uncertain on she specific rules of her She-Ra related powers. Still, she'd kept her sharp claws skin deep - enough to leave harsh red marks but cause no more than a drop or two of blood. "Can you take pain, Adora?" her voice was so low it rumbled in her throat, sultry and slow. She placed her palms on the heaving thighs and touched her nose against Adora's midriff.

 "Y-hah... y-yes..." Adora winced.

 "Hm? Be clear for me, Adora."

 The girl swallowed, she took a deep breath, her expression hardened, "I-I can take pain."

 "Good girl." Catra shoved downward with her hands, hard. Ready to see the mighty beast collapse and hear the defeated scream.

 That was what should have happened. Instead, the rock hard thighs barely moved and a sudden flex of obscene ab definition sent a spatter of hot sweat against Catra's skin. Before her dumbfounded mind could process any more, Adora's legs were wrapped tightly around her waist.


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