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Lastly, I have to apologise for being a little late with this round of sketch requests, I'm aiming to release them tomorrow or Monday with another request call going out shortly after.

Double lastly, enjoy this new section and let me know what you think!


 So the two began to change position, as they had for the previous four gruelling sets. They let go of each others hands and regripped the bar. Without dropping, the pair shifted and twisted around to face the opposite way. Catra hissed with pain as she pried her cramped hand away, numbed fingers refusing to let go of their desperate grip without a fight. All without dropping, they now hung on with opposite hands, and held hands with each other again. Catra noticed something immediately - Adora's grip seemed weak, stiff. She peered down to her to see reddened fingers, and knew that all the support Adora had given her came at a cost. That hand must be in agony. She gripped it firmly and let out an involuntary, momentary purr.

She loved Adora's hands. They were slender and dexterous, but firm, calloused like a hard worker, a warrior. They made her feel safe. Even now she could feel it pushing her up, still ready to help support her painful dead-hang. The guilt and humiliation bubbled up in her again. Catra bared her fangs and cried out, legs kicking up to the bar. It felt like her swollen ab muscles exploded, the pain only intensifying as she folded in half at the peak of the rep before dropping her legs. She was reduced into a series of pained gasps and shudders while Adora let out a dignified grunt of effort with her own rep. Catra peered to her from the side and saw the fierce set of upper obliques crumple together. They shimmered with sweat, proving that her girlfriend had not, in fact been replaced with a flawless machine. After ten seconds, the smooth rep was finished and Catra had dealt with the flash of pain that came with her own, then resolved to take it again. It wasn't much, but this was everything she could muster. She kicked up again and sobbed. When did it get so hot in here? Despite her loose clothing the air around her felt suffocating, even breathing did nothing but burn away her pain tolerance. Take it. You have to take it, she, told herself. Just... eighteen more...

"You're so screwed!" an invasive voice screamed at her from within.

 That moment of doubt was all it took. After such a gruelling session of extended training, her focus, her willpower, the spite and jealousy that had pushed her past her limit slackened. As did her hand, and suddenly Catra was hurtling to the ground. Hitting the floor in a heap made a surprisingly wet slap, and she realised the floor beneath her was damp with perspiration. The cat-girl curled up in dramatic fashion as the her cramping muscles loosened, swelled and burned under her skin. She became a ball, clutching at her hard stomach and desperately trying to massage the ache from her muscles.

 "You did... awesome... Catra!" Adora called between gasps. But all Catra heard was mocking, or even worse, pity. She glared up through teary eyes and snapped;

 "Well? Are you gonna finish or not!?"

 A look of hurt flashed across Adora's face. Only briefly - the girl quickly put her focus into continuing the set that Catra had failed. Every deep groan and breath made Catra's ears twitch and eventually she succumbed to the urge to look up. For the first time since the start of this session she could see her girlfriend clearly and get a proper view of her efforts. Having a view from her knees only exacerbated her feeling of hopeless inferiority. Adora was a Goddess. A shining, flexing, feminine idol. Sinewy muscle crackled down her utterly taut forearm, her bicep bulging despite the one-armed hang stretching it out. Hanging from one arm put a twist to her body so that the tight ripples of her obliques crunched to one side placing an obscene level of strain and definition on one edge of her midriff. Catra bore witness as she churned through the final twenty leg raises. The reps were hard work but she maintained a constant, smooth flow. 

 The blonde hastily threw her free hand up to the bar and her relieved woop of victory was cut off, just as she was about to finally let go.

 "You stay up there!!" Catra exploded from her silent reverence and Adora flinched, tightening her grip on instinct at the command. "I'm not done with you yet!" the scent of her girlfriends sweat was thick in the air, with arousal, jealousy and admiration making Catra's head swim and sending her into a furore of conflicted emotions. She wasn't going to let little miss perfect get away with making her feel like this. She was going to make her fail, watch it, and relish the victory. "If you're so tough, you won't mind a little extra training, huh?"

 "Not at all!" Adora gasped cheerfully, as though she had been made a friendly and generous offer. Maybe she was just trying to make Catra feel better, and the latter could feel herself blushing crimson. A deer in the headlights. It was Adora who broke the extended silence. "Are you okay?"

 That was the final straw - for about the third time today. How was Adora the calm one here!? "P-pullups! Now! Go!" she squeaked.

 "How many?"

 "Just go!"

 The blonde had lifted her body up before Catra had finished an outward breath. Her chin reached over the bar with her beautifully pumped biceps squeezing against her forearms. They relaxed as she lowered herself, nice and controlled. In turn, the girls lats swelled throughout the motion to accentuate her hourglass physique. With no target to hit, she just continued, one after the other. Eyebrows raised, looking down at Catra, bemused. Catra in return, was doing everything she could to avoid meeting that gaze - focusing on a droplet of sweat on Adora's neck. Watching more trails run down her washboard stomach and seeing her thigh muscles pushing out against her leggings. Actually, it was rather easy to not make eye contact. How long had she been watching now, exactly? Catra's ear twitched to instinctively pick up on the soft, breathy words of her girlfriend.

 "Fifty one. Fifty two..."

Part Four:




Awesome as usual! Please tell me there will be another part where we see how Adora gets on with Catra's challenge?