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 When Brigitte first set her sights on becoming a member of the Overwatch crew, she knew there would be a tough road ahead. Years on the road with her friend and mentor Reinhardt had taught her about the determination and sacrifice necessary, and just as much in developing her physical and engineering abilities. But her future goals would require more. The suit of armour and weapon alone would roughly equate to her bodyweight and she intended to maintain full speed and mobility for however long was necessary. Brigitte threw herself into training and didn't take a moment easy on herself. Her body needed to be thick, functional and powerful. Gruelling routines with the heaviest weights she could lift were spread out over hours at a time. Weights that would feel almost crushed beneath her, and sap the strength of her working muscles. At the start of the day she would be lifting enormous metal plates and by the end she could hardly support her own body weight.

 She loved it. The young woman had always found hard work satisfying, ever since her childhood when she would spend weeks in her workshop tinkering with various machines and devices. This was an extension of that, but building up her own body. Over months she relished her ongoing development. Brigitte was packing muscle onto herself at an astonishing rate, her legs thickened into powerful, supportive trunks. Her shoulders had become broad and muscle-capped, topping arms like pythons. But what had surprised her most of all was her stomach. Months of dedicated, hard weight training had forged her toned stomach into a distended arc of layered muscle plates. Her core bulged as her body took a weight, rock hard like a convex drum. It wasn't a normal body type - she was well aware of that much but it didn't affect her pride. This was real strength, complete body confidence and raw, functional power. Brigitte walked with a confidence that portrayed that on her every trip to the gym, and she had a sneaking suspicion that certain people were noticing...




Thanks for the story. Every word has value. Well portrayed life of top athlete