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Had a ton of fun with this one guys, and plan to write a lot more for this. I have to stress that the story below wouldn't have been written without your support. Thankyou!


 As Catra clenched the thick iron bar, desperate to keep hanging on despite the waning strength in her agonised fingers, she knew she couldn't last for much longer. Her forearm was on fire, her shoulder aching terribly. With one hand she clung on for dear life and with the other, clasped the hand of her beloved girlfriend. Catra winced and tucked her head, gritting her teeth, shaking. A drop of sweat shimmered at her chin and fell. This was it... she was about to fall!

"C'mon, Catra, you got this." Adora's reassuring voice came from next to her, making the cat-girl's pointy ears prick up. "Don't be such a drama Queen." she teased, and Catra blushed crimson. Adora was next to her, also holding into the pullup bar with one hand, her other was clasped in Catra's free hand. How was she so damn composed!?

 Each of them were holding an L-sit, toes pointed far in front, abs crunched hard and in a one armed hang in what Adora infuriatingly called their 'rest period'.  Her athleticism really was stunning - it was something Catra had grown more and more jealous of over the last few months. Every time Adora came home soaked in sweat after a run, every time she bragged about a new weightlifting personal record. Whenever she walked around in her underwear just flaunting the her ever increasing shreds. It made Catra feel so... helpless!

 Helpless to resist jumping on her girlfriend and groping that body at every opportunity. To keep herself from licking the sweat from her beautiful muscles. To prevent the constant, wild fantasies in all her private moments and the heart stopping excitement that Adora could pour over her with any single word or movement. It made her so mad! Adora had become every bit the Goddess Catra idolized her as. Her powerful body had toned and tightened, squared shoulders and heroic back sweeping into her shredded waist, hips and bust as tight and full as ever. She had avoided putting on too much mass but the functional power she'd gained as well as the aesthetic, lean musculature gave her a prideful saunter that even the modest tomboy couldn't help but indulge.

 "Sh-shut up!" Catra snapped back, "Enough rest, let's keep going!"

 "Okay..." Adora's reply was melodic. Supportive. Condescending. It fuelled the literal gut-wrenching effort Catra put into lifting her legs up until toes touched the bar, shuddering. Adora mirrored her timing with a movement as smooth as silk. So perfect! Her golden blonde hair was neat as ever. Even her clothes, a tight red sports bra and impossibly well fitted leggings were pristine. Catra, on the other hand had thrown on the cropped maroon vest and boxer shorts she slept in. She could feel sweat mussing up her short hair. "Sixty-one!" Adora called, her voice clear despite the dozens of arduous reps the pair had done. Catra gasped as after a two second hold, she lowered her straightened legs back into the L-sit and lower. They stopped just before their bodies were straight to denu their abs any unwanted respite, only to restart their slow ascent. Catra threw her head back and groaned, crunching her stomach with all her might. Her own abs had come a long way since she'd started her relentless journey to beat Adora.

 It was two months ago when Catra had finally snapped. She had been lay across the couch, one hand on her tummy, the other in a packet of chips. She hadn't even looked up when she heard the front door open - it was a scorching hot day after all, and she'd hardly moved. A shadow passed over her and she squinted up. Adora towered over her, apparently back from a run glistening with sweat. The gleaming perspiration and her heavy panting made every muscle of her glorious form  pulse. She was flushed red and smiling. A drop of sweat fell from her nose and made Catra flinch as it dripped on her cheek. She was speechless.

 "You're so cute." Adora murmured, fingers tickling the catgirls belly as she leaned down to kiss her on the forehead. "Gonna do a little..." she panted, her legs shook and she gripped the couch arm for support, "...more training... upstairs."

 Catra was left in stunned silence with her heart hammering. She watched her girlfriend hobble away. One distinct memory of her was of pinching the spot on her belly where Adora had touched and feeling the growing pudge below her navel.

 With an infuriated roar, Catra tumbled off the couch, started doing sit-ups and, more or less, never stopped since. She would be every bit as strong and sexy as her girlfriend... she would NOT be the weak one, Adora would see! That very night she had stormed up and demanded that Adora help train her, and been accepted with open arms. Catra was nothing if not stubborn and had thrown herself into every facet of the work with all her effort - and that included the damn dieting. The results had been frustratingly slow, but clear.

 The defined six-pack along Catra's once soft stomach had ground through the last three sets and she wasn't going to let it stop there. She squeezed Adora's hand and felt the girl hold just as tightly in return.

 In spite of a spirit determined as ever, her body was another story. She could feel herself breaking down. The lactic acid seeping into her overworked muscles caused more pain by the minute. It took away her control and stiffened her body up. Soon no, matter how much she willed it, her abs simply didn't have the strength left to lift her legs up to the bar. Catra hauled her legs just over half way before they came to a stop. Her hip flexors rose to meet her lower abs, tortured chords of muscle unable to go further. Catra's eyes snapped open on her girlfriend's yell - "Push! Fight!" Her head whipped to Adora who looked to be folded in half. The powerful blonde was holding her toes against the bar, legs pushed right up against her chest and her ripped midriff curled up. She held that position, waiting for Catra to match her.

 To Catra's dismay her own legs had fully dropped and she was left in her hardly more comfortable one-armed hang. She winced and tried to adjust her grip.

 "It's okay. Rest... I c-can wait." Adora gasped, her voice unsteady, her breaths quick and shallow through pursed lips. The uncharacteristic burden of her speech made Catra study her more closely and what she saw hit her like a lightning bolt. Adora remained in position with her legs pointed straight up. Her thighs were pressed firmly against her stomach and  at the very precipice of the movement, holding at peak muscle strain. The form was perfect down to her pointed toes and her modest chest was squashed softly by her knees. She had made sur3  lift her hips, crunching countless ripples into her devastatingly lean abs like layered metal in a forge, ensuring that her legs made a flawless vertical spear. Catra knew it would be hard to breathe at all while holding that pose, let alone speak.

 Damn it! Embarrassment washed over her again. Jealousy. She let out a groan as she tried to lift her feet again, only getting a few inches before her hip flexors refused to respond and dropping again. The hand clinging to the bar felt like it was being branded, joined by a painful stretching along her arm and shoulder but Catra kept her vice grip by sheer spite alone. But it was distracting. Catra shifted, breathed deeply to feel her pained abs suck in. The sensation of the strained muscle washed over her getting worse, then better after a few moments. The feeling was coming back to her washboard stomach, the control and strength. She took a few more deep breaths all whole trying to ignore the shuddering bombshell beside her.

 Then she grit her teeth, scrunched her toes and heaved, pleading with her abs to do more. Her juddering legs rose half way - the easiest part before the progress slowed. But it didn't stop. Catra let out a sob but aggressively forced any more back down her throat. Blood was rushing in her ears, her cheeks felt hot. The pressure was in her whole body. Again, Adora followed along - a blindingly bright example of what Catra was desperate to be. Catra was just gutting out the rep but on Adora's end, the muscle control it took to move her legs glacially through every degree of motion made her workout much more advanced.

Even still, Catra was doing so much worse! With a cry of pure rage she kicked upward to the bar. Though finally making contact, her form was sloppy. Her legs dropped like rocks right after.

 "Seventy nine!" Adora chanted nontheless, as emphatically as ever, beaming. "One more!" Of course, she had lowered her legs much more slowly and smoothly. Catra was all but hyperventilating, riding out the pain in her abs and arm. Mercifully enough, hanging from the bar felt easier than before.

 Too much so...

 It was with a dread-filled cringe that Catra realised she had been instinctively pushing down on Adora's hand to ease her own burden. The blonde hadn't said a word but her bicep was pumped, quivering. Catra wanted to bite down on it, whether from spite or lust she herself was unsure. Either way, the help was invaluable and she resigned herself to using it - there was no other way she could continue. She pushed down harder and it felt like a solid beam, firm and supportive. It mercifully eased the pressure on her opposite shoulder and hand, allowing Catra to focus on pushing her feet up one more time. As her toes touched the bar she gave a sudden, high pitched wail before lowering them, along with her head that hung trembling as she gasped for breath. It felt like there was a burning hole where her stomach used to be.

 "Eighty!" Adora cheered, breathless in her excitement, or was it relief... there was a long pause before she  spoke again. "One more set..." she reassured her exhausted girlfriend softly, almost pitiful in her tone. "You've done amazing already, if it's too much-"

 "It's not! I can take it!" Catra snapped, the outburst apparently waking her from her semi-conscious panting.


This post combines Part 1 and 2. Find Part 3 here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/61508592




This is such a great read ❤️ And you want to write more? That’s amazing! Will we hear a bit more from Adora’s perspective, too?


Really excellent story! You can really tell that you had a lot of fun writing this one. And this is only a preview? Can't wait to see what more you have in store!