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This picture and story premiered early to Patrons!


 Over the last two years of isolation, Sam has been to Hell and back, both physically and mentally. Isolation, starvation and fear have wracked her many a night wherein losing her willpower would mean succumbing to the elements. Slowly but surely, she practiced and learned hunting, fishing, weaving, even crafting rudimentary tools and structures. The girl who had fled a life of luxury had done this on the constant brink of her body's limits. Sam had stubbornly - foolishly, even - imposed extra muscle training on herself every single day. This was regardless of whether she had eaten, slept or suffered. Rocks were her weights, trees her punching bags. Uneven stones and thorn coated brush made her running trails. Broken bones, animal attacks, cold, heat or sickness were all additional trials that she was grateful for, or, that's what she tells herself on the nights when the agony causes her to cry herself to sleep.

 But she knew she was winning. Getting stronger, smarter. This was freedom. The slow grind was a thing she relished, and the young woman never once felt the urge to go home. Her body, which at a point had gotten dangerously underweight was getting bigger, building up in ways she could have never imagined. It was an arduous, years long journey that would never be over, but she was growing, tightening. Discovering new sinews, veins and blocks of hardened muscle on her utterly fat-free body. Now every inch of her spectacular body writhes with muscle definition, bone dry and tight. Every movement sends cascades of motion flickering along her skin. And the strength... by her summation, she had grown unbelievably fucking strong. As her hunting and gathering skills grew she could dedicate more time to her obsessive and dangerous training. As she trained more, she strengthened. Sam could lift more, work for longer, run faster, hit harder. Her rigs became more advanced, she worked with heavier weights and under more precarious conditions to find new ways to push her herculean body. This constant increase in athleticism further boosted her survival skills, resulting in a cycle that let her spend more and more time torching her muscles in every new and brutal way she could come up with.

 So, I've actually been sat on this picture for a couple of months now... been waiting until it feels right to post it, and deciding whether or not to link a story to it. I think Sam deserves it, as well as being (I think) the most ripped woman I've ever drawn. I'm looking forward to drawing some of her more extreme training methods and coming up with ideas, just like in her initial version, but I'm really happy with this reboot with her backstory and development. Hope everyone's happy to see her come back, let me know if that's the case! Very eager to hear feedback.



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