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 "Just a... little more..." the circus performer turned Kyoshi Warrior's slight but calloused hands were trembling, tightly gripping a small, black handle on a wheel that sat in front of her parted legs. Ty Lee was looking intensely at the wheel, bracing herself.

 Her friend, Suki, stood over the scene. She idly held one hand over her mouth, masking part of her expression while watching on with mingled shock and fear. Suki had been a mentor to Ty Lee in recent years, but in this regard the latter was the trained expert. Ty Lee was sat in a deep over split, her legs well past a normal 180 degree angle and her body was brimming with tension. She had brought some of her own equipment to the dojo, and to Suki, it looked more like a torture device. With a seat in the center, it had a padded bar extending horizontally from each side. One of Ty Lee's legs was strapped into each, stretched out straight. A small wheel in front of her could be turned to crank the bars farther apart and around, with latches holding them in place. Her flexing, toned thighs bulged against the harsh leather straps, with a second lashing each ankle to ensure no escape. Ty Lee tugged at the wheel. It squeaked and she gasped. Her legs were forced another inch apart.

 Her feet flexed, soon returning to their firm point. The girl was in her favourite training gear - elastic, dark pink leggings that clung to her like a second skin, holding her feet in stirrups. The waist of it was up to her belly button, but it fitted so tightly around her that her thick lower obliques still protruded through. The fabric had a hint of transparency in the more stretched areas, her thighs and calves particularly. Her round breasts were pushed up by a slightly undersized bra, leaving plenty of cleavage, and four square blocks of core muscle crammed into the strip of bare stomach that was visible. It pumped with quick breaths, and her movements shook the extremely long braid over her shoulder, which coiled on the floor.

 "That enough now? You've made your point." Suki sighed, amused, a little nervous, and a touch disgruntled by the fact that she herself had tapped out from the infernal mechanism once barely past a full split. She still had red marks on her ankles and thighs. Suki herself was lean, wiry and toned, shorts and a tomboyish crop-top her chosen training gear while not in her makeup. Her warriors body lacked some of the curves of Ty Lee, who was all thighs, hips, waist and breasts. The girl watched a sweat bead trickle down from her collarbone between her breasts, but looked away just in time as Ty Lee beamed up.

 "Not even close!" She wrenched the wheel around a full turn in her confidence, and then arched back with a sharp hiss. She hesitated, then reached forward and did it again. Very suddenly her legs were nearing a 270 degree split, and the tension on her body was clear. The machine was under soma strain, and Ty Lee had clutched at her inner thighs, her fingertips indenting the skin. Her eyes closed and teeth bared, she took a couple of sharp, quick breaths, apparently baring the brunt of the stab of pain that came with achieving this level of split. Ty Lee eventually lowered her head and opened her eyes. She smiled again, but her face was firmer. As she pulled her hands from her thighs, they were shaking slightly.

 "Hurts that bad, huh?" Suki asked - she had seen Ty Lee in combat, in drills and in conditioning. She was fully aware of how tough the girl was. The pain in that expert split hadn't dissipated, in fact it was likely building. Ty Lee seemed to consider denying for a moment, but when she shrugged and nodded, it seemed casual. The girl rocked back and forth softly and her abs flexed with a harsh breath but soon, there was a slow, shaky exhale. Suki took note again of the way Ty Lee straightened her back, lifted her chin, and pointed her toes. The teen set her hands on the wheel and pulled again, but grunted and shuddered - it barely turned under the pressure of Ty Lee's contorted legs.

 "Okay." she gasped, and Suki thought she was ending the session here, until she continued. "Okay, I need your help now."

 With a sigh, Suki didn't make an attempt to talk Ty Lee out if whatever she was about to try. She knew better and frankly... wanted to see the show for herself.

 Ty Lee took her hands from the wheel and gestured to it, her face and voice strained, though hiding it bravely. "I can't turn it hard enough for this angle - I need you to do it. I need to go way further."

 Suki was dumbstruck for a moment, gawking, and could only reply, "I don't want to snap you in half!" The girl was already well past a normal split, the whole rig and Ty Lee's body bursting with tension.

 "Come on, nobody's done this with me for years! I'm out of practice and I need to get better. Azula would always-"

 "Turn that wheel until you broke?"

 Ty Lee's shrug and nod was surprisingly casual. Part of Suki didn't want to imagine it, and another part couldn't stop picturing it. Her graceful friend's phenomenal, specialised body passing its limit. She didn't remember placing her hands on the crank, but they were there now and she was looking into her friends eager eyes with concern. "You sure? Tell me if it gets too much."

 With a vigorous nod, Ty Lee replied, a touch breathlessly "Absolutely!" She seemed certain even as her fingertips were clutching hard at the tightly strung muscles of her inner thighs. So Suki began to turn. At first she was surprised by the amount of force it took, and this impressed on her just how much Ty Lee was repressing her own body's instincts to force herself into this unnatural shape. But Suki was strong herself, and soon the wheel was moving steadily.

 Progress was slow, inch by torturous inch as Ty Lee's legs were stretched beyond her natural limits. Beyond any level she had managed to practice for years. The girl was panting, sweat beading on her chest and neck. Without warning, Ty Lee cried out so loudly that Suki jumped, but before she could reverse direction on the wheel, Ty Lee grabbed her. "N-no!" she growled, her teeth gritted and her voice breathy, "Wait." - Suki didn't dare deny her, or even say a word as she acquiesced, leading to an intense, extended quiet that was punctuated by Ty Lee's gasps. These grew more frequent and louder over the next five minutes as the trembling intensified. Suki was locked on place, knuckles white as she gripped the wheel. The muscles and ligaments in Ty Lee's powerful, curvy legs pushed out against the skin in a pattern that showed off her intense conditioning. Her stomach, now glimmering with sweat just from enduring this hold, flexed into a tight six pack with every deep breath. Or was it... eight? As Suki squinted, Ty Lee huffed, and the abs pumped right before her eyes with a hard flex. She had definitely been caught looking, and it was definitely eight. Ty Lee's bikini top looked woefully outmatched, the triangles of fabric almost slipping down her breasts as she continued to take deep, strained breaths. Flexing pec muscles beneath made each movement even more pronounced. And Ty Lee's face, though contorted with pain, was as pretty as ever. The intensity of her gaze made Suki flush as they made eye contact. Ty Lee was blinking back tears.

 For a split moment, as Ty Lee raised her hands, Suki thought dumbly that she was about to see a biceps flex. But the performers deft fingers moved to her braid, tugging and unfastening her hair tie.

 Suki had never realised just how much hair Ty Lee had wrapped up in that hip-length braid. Once untied, it seemed to flow over her like water, full and sleek and glossy. It cascaded over her muscular shoulders, and shimmered as she shook her head to keep the strands out of her face. Ty Lee quickly worked the ribbon in her hands, folding in over in multiple layers until it was a thick chunk of fabric a few inches long. She gripped it tightly in her fist, and stretched out her back and shoulders, a few more deep breaths before she was apparently ready to talk. Her voice was shaking. "W-when I give the s-signal... you max this thing out. Understand?"

 Suki let out a burst of horrified laughter that quickly sank away, "You're not serious..." she shook her head with disbelief.

 "I've done it before! Just... n-not for a while, that's all!" Ty Lee protested. Distant memories of her own screams and her former Princess made the girls eyes glaze over for a few minutes, but her new friend's befuddled, almost sickened expression soon came back into focus. The Kyoshi Warrior found herself fearful. Suki couldn't, surely... surely any more and Ty Lee would simply break. Surely even the circus freak had some limits to her body, limits they were on the absolute edge of. Without being aware of it Suki had stood up, looking away.

 "Suki, I'm doing this!" she said forcefully, her voice high pitched and desperate, Suki was put in the mind of a kid demanding more time with their favourite toy. "One way or another! If I do it on my own it'll just... take longer!"

 And Suki looked back at the beautiful, rippling body, tightly strung and trembling. Powerful, graceful and hurting, with a face of needy desperation pleading up to her. And she was defeated. She dropped to her knees, hands soon back on that accursed wheel.

 "Okay, ready? And d-don't stop until it locks. N-no matter what." Ty Lee again took some deep breaths, and massaged her inner thighs hard. To Suki's surprise, she raised her hands and slapped them, making the firm muscles ripple, again and again until there were red marks, apparently psyching herself up. With no further warning, Ty Lee shoved her hair tie into her mouth like a gag and made a muffled cry that Suki took to mean: "Now!"

 Half intensely curious, half spitefully eager to show Ty Lee what a mistake she had made, Suki used her full force. Both hands on the wheel, sinewy forearms flaring. Still, she was staggered by the amount of force it took to turn the wheel by inches, but Suki was strong. It moved, and so did the bars pulling Ty Lee's powerful legs further and further apart. A loud, muffled groan made Suki jump, but she didn't stop turning, only looking up to see a hurried nod of approval from Ty Lee, who only quietened after several seconds with her head listing back. She had placed her hands on her inner thighs, the skin red where her fingers dug in. The belts strapping her legs in place dug in just as hard, the skin looking sore and raw around them, but this hardly mattered amidst the splitting pain of Ty Lee's crazed attempt at this contortion.

 As Ty Lee started panting, Suki's stomach dropped. She was watching Ty's eight pack abs, shining with sweat and pumping like she had never seen with each laboured breath. It was striking her just how hard conditioned this body was underneath her grace and flamboyance. Of course, those years of work were the only way a person could survive this. Suki was still turning, and Ty Lee's legs passed a shocking 270 degree angle. Her feet and toes were curling and flexing as she squirmed within her bonds. The groaning turned into a squeak, and then disappeared. The whole harness rattled with her shaking. Suki didn't know why the words erupted from her with such venom in the intense excitement. "Stay still!"

 And the acrobat's body seized up, like a lightning bolt had run through it. The leather bindings creaked as her legs flexed, her back arched and her toes pointed, calves also testing the resolve of the belts squeezing them. An instinct to obey still remained from the last person to shout at her in this state, she supposed... the wheel was getting almost impossible to turn. She tugged it another few inches and Ty Lee's body gave a jolt. She felt hot hands on her own, and was fully ready for Ty Lee to desperately pull her grip away. Instead, Ty Lee held hard, adding her own force to help her turn it. Her reddened face was covered in tears, wet eyelashes glistening and eyes shut tight.

 With their combined effort, the motion was much smoother. Ty Lee's oblique muscles shifted and coiled from side to side as her grip moved like a dance. Violent striations and definition were showing between her legs and along her thighs. Even her knees seemed to bend at an unnatural angle, Ty Lee's very joints trained to be pliable.

 Together the pair steadily turned the wheel as Ty Lee howled into the gag like a woman possessed and eventually, mercifully, the machine clicked, telling them that it had reached it's limit. It took the delirious Ty Lee an extra few moments to realise this as she kept trying to tug at the wheel, assuming it had gotten stuck. Then she groaned with some kind of hard to place relief, and her grip slackened, hands falling limply to her sides. She quickly gave up on turning to look at her posture, so Suki did instead for the first time over the last couple of minutes. Once more, she gasped. The feat was astonishing and like nothing Suki had ever seen. Ty Lee's feet were mere inches from touching behind her, her legs wide out straight - it was a miracle that nothing had been dislocated, though it crossed her mind that Ty Lee may have trained for even that in the past.

  "W-well..." Suki found that her mouth and throat were very dry, "That's the limit." she couldn't have said which lump of shaking steel she was talking about. There was no reply, only an eerily quiet breathing. Suki's eyes trailed up her friend's body, pumped muscles quivering, stretched and flexed beyond reason. Her lower obliques and ab muscles jutted out hard, and she even had a pec pump pushing her generous breasts into her top from turning the wheel. Her neck and face were red and her eyes, shut. Passed out.

 Resisting the temptation to leave the maniacal fool where she was, Suki pried the hands from the wheel and slowly, gently started to release the pressure. Perhaps, when she woke up, those sore thighs would need a massage.



That was incredible!!!


One of your best short stories. I love how you make the reader imagine her sessions with Azula.