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Another big month! Thankyou to everybody who's joined recently, hope you're liking the posts and looking forward to what's in store.

I've been trying to post art more often, and intending to keep this up. Next month is going to have a lot of monster girls and a little more Rachel. I'm also liking designing new "one off" OCs, like Blue the skater girl, who got some really good feedback. This would be done in the new style I'm playing with, as would a new short Bea comic I'm working on.

Also been enjoying playing around with more Q&As lately, both here and on the discord.

As well as that, I'm working on a new short story, this one focuses on Avatar's Suki and Ty Lee, themed around contortion! This should be posted early July.

I'd love any feedback on the latest idea for sketch request votes - I think it went well and it's good to see more of people's ideas. Hoping to get some more of those this month so keep an eye out for that post and make sure to vote.

So, going forward, what do you all want to see most?



Sounds like you have a lot going on. I would love to see more of Rachel. I also like that you are doing more with Blue, I would love to see what types of workouts/predicaments you come up with for her. I think the voting sketch is a good idea, I like coming up with a idea and then seeing how people react to it. I would suggest maybe doing the top three most voted each month, also maybe making an post of which ones you are doing would cool too (to build anticipation). Those are just my ideas, keep up the amazing work!!!


Well, not Blue specifically but more OCs, potentially. She might make a return though. As for the sketch vote, I'd like to aim for 3 per month but really it'll most likely be as many as I have time for. Some months it may be 1, some it may be 5. Nice idea to hype or build them up though. And thankyou!