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Wanted to squeeze one more exclusive up before the end of the month! Practicing my quicker style on Korra this time. I thought I'd try out the Season 1 design, which in my opinion deserves some more love. So here she is hitting the gym hard with a nice hot shower as a reward!

Any ideas for future workouts for Korra?




Training with Korra sounds fun


Any future workout ideas for Korra? Okay, I've got a few. Push-ups with Naga sitting on her back. Walking barefoot across hot coals while carrying a massive (and unfathomably heavy) ice block. Some more freaky shit with Asami's electric glove. Pushing ten cars at once uphill. Pull-ups with a car tied to her legs. And finally... A tug-of-war against Asami, Adora/She-Ra, Naga, a car, a train or a boat, whatever's cooler.