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This month has predictably been a bit hectic, but most importantly I've managed to finish up the sketch requests for this month! As mentioned in that post, I may be pulling back on the sketch requests in future - but any changes will be made with plenty of advance notice. Next month will run normally.

What will most likely happen is from June, Tier 3 subscribers will get 1 sketch request per month. Both Tier 2 and 3 will get to submit ideas and vote on them, one (or a few) of which will also be added to the sketch requests (a couple of you mentioned this idea in my last post asking for feedback, so thankyou!) - More concrete information to come.

Hoping to use the extra time to work more on the side projects like animation and stories.

Next month, Rachel's back! I've done a criminal lack of drawing of my OCs for a long while. Frankly the pressure to grow and make art for views/engagement kind of makes me lean on other characters, who of course I still love drawing. That is to say, if you want more Rachel I'd really appreciate you showing your support!

I'm a bit behind on commissions and they'll take somewhat longer than usual, but the discounted Tier 3 commissions remain open - just DM me if interested.

Thanks again!



More Rachel! More Rachel! More Rachel! And Amy, of course.