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Hellooooo. Been a few months so let me catch you all up on everything.

The Sheriff Hayseed short known as "A Few Cards Short" or later "Swindling Simpletons" faced a big issue during production. I'm sorry to say I simply didn't like how it was turning out at all. I feel it was too long with too little happening, the art style wasn't clicking in ways I hoped and overall I knew it wasn't my best. So I've painfully made the decision to throw the video out and start again. Many assets from the dumped animation have been written back in to save time but ultimately we're back to square one. Storyboards, voice acting and so on.

I'm MORE than aware how long this has already taken and I genuinely apologize but I'm absolutely POSITIVE this is the best version of Sheriff Hayseed we've put together yet. I'm back to work with the team and we're keen to not let a single thing distract us until this project is done, polished, and out. Priority number one, full steam ahead, 110% effort and all that good stuff. Without making promises I'm looking for it to take no longer than 2 months.

Looking forward to showing more soon and as always thank you graciously for your patience and support



Brandon West

Quality over quantity, heck yeah! Do what you've gotta do


Take all the time you need. We'll still be here to support you all.