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Hey all! Hope everyone's been good. We've been busy over here as you can imagine from the long lapse in posts. But I'm here now to share some of it!

We'll start with the big ticket item of course, our new Sheriff Hayseed video. We now have about 2 out of the 8 minutes of animation completed, so still a long ways to go but well it's way. 

We've hit a good couple snags with the rigs that were meant to be convenient and easy but have caused some slow downs and bugs here and there. Though as the team and myself get more acquainted with the weirdness and make fixes, the rigs will start working a little better for us.

Regardless of that, we are still picking up some massive momentum as Crunchy and Bisque learn the style and begin to take on more shots alongside Crowne and Charlie.

An expression from animator Charlie

An angle reference from character designer Crunchy

A whole new look for the saloon from Jess for a flashback gag

A refined Joy's office WIP, also from Jess

We've also dabbled in a few side projects, one of which being a planned YouTube Short for Sheriff Hayseed featuring TNT Pete, mentioned in Boomerang in a Gunfight.

A soft redesign from Crunchy to go into rigging.

Shy of showing all the animation we've done (i'll get to some previews down the line) that's all we got for Sheriff Hayseed for now. I do want to make a quick point that my team is incredible and are doing wonderful, but that I myself am having some issues leading it that may be causing slow downs as well. It's an experience issue as I've never run an operation of this size, and I'm certainly feeling the pressure and anxiety of it. Talking to people has always been something of a challenge to me, so this leadership position is a lot harder on me than I thought. Not to fret, I'm working through it, talking to people and finding some confidence, but it's another very real sore spot on our speed of production and I want to apologize for that.

What I don't want to apologize for is that I've started another mini-project during the production of the massive Sheriff Hayseed one!

During some breaks from work I picked up a little game called Sonic Frontiers and loved it and quickly decided to crank out a parody to hopefully upload in December. I'm calling it a "slap-job" type video where I focus on the humor and put real production quality on the back burner, much like how I made most videos in the past.

Codename: "Sonic: Into the Frontiers" (Working title) is a fast-paced, parody rundown of the first island of the game. I'm taking it on entirely myself so I take no one away from Sheriff Hayseed. It's honestly been super therapeutic for me to make this silly kind of classic parody animation. Plus I've been meaning to make a better Sonic parody than "Tails Invents a Thing." This oughta do it i think

It's dumb, stupid, and I'm having a great time making it. I'll be sure to post more soon! For Sheriff Hayseed and this, and of course, I thank you all for being here! Stay epic. Silly animation comin' at ya






I wasn't sure how I was feeling about the new Todd. But its growing on me.