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Hey! I'm still going, just so yall know. Still working on this, but mostly still working on myself. A lot of life changes. Mostly unpleasant. And yet I push on!

ANYWAY: I had a thought about scrubbing the beard shadow from my character, perhaps to look more juvenile next to Zach. Thoughts?




I'd say keep it


Mike looks cute now. Maybe a shaded line under the chin to separate the neck and head? 👀


The lack of a small shadow underneath their chins disturbs me... Otherwise, seems like a good change 👍

Mr. Surlaw

Depends on what your face is like :v


Realistically I have a decently full beard lmao. Neither option is quite real


I like how the beard looks on the character, it gives his face some needed definition, especially since the stylization leaves him without a chin or a nose

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-10-17 10:33:23 I agree with tydaze that it gives some shape & feature that the picture without one lacks (especially since it gives "shape" to the chin without needing a line separating head from neck). However, I also agree it does achieve a look that is "juvenile next to Zach". Perhaps make it smaller or lighter? Honestly, I'm all for whichever is easiest for you to animate in general. We love you Mike. We want you to be happy just as much as you want to make others happy. Don't stress yourself, just do what makes you happy! I hope things improve for you, but we know you'll do fine. Try pushing forward by channeling the energy of Suction Cup Man!
2020-01-29 05:09:15 I agree with tydaze that it gives some shape & feature that the picture without one lacks (especially since it gives "shape" to the chin without needing a line separating head from neck). However, I also agree it does achieve a look that is "juvenile next to Zach". Perhaps make it smaller or lighter? Honestly, I'm all for whichever is easiest for you to animate in general. We love you Mike. We want you to be happy just as much as you want to make others happy. Don't stress yourself, just do what makes you happy! I hope things improve for you, but we know you'll do fine. Try pushing forward by channeling the energy of Suction Cup Man!

I agree with tydaze that it gives some shape & feature that the picture without one lacks (especially since it gives "shape" to the chin without needing a line separating head from neck). However, I also agree it does achieve a look that is "juvenile next to Zach". Perhaps make it smaller or lighter? Honestly, I'm all for whichever is easiest for you to animate in general. We love you Mike. We want you to be happy just as much as you want to make others happy. Don't stress yourself, just do what makes you happy! I hope things improve for you, but we know you'll do fine. Try pushing forward by channeling the energy of Suction Cup Man!