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I'm contemplating with shifting the Bonus Video thingies over to the public domain completely, and adding a new item to the table, Voice & Sound FX Tracks for my books, now reeaally exclusive to book owners only.

This poll is just the beginning in measuring your enthusiasm, my upcoming new https://subscribestar.adult/tcprod campaign is the real deal for you in showing your support for this!

It would mean healthy """reading""" length tracks, that perfectly accompany the experience of flipping through any of my books... for... science.

I would hunt down the perfect voices for my characters and hopefully stick with them on the long run, and they would act out all the speech bubbles, and all the fun happ'nins, with small more silent periods for you to have a good look before going to the next page.

And the Bonus Videos are just done when done, uploaded for all to see. Well i could say they are exclusive to book owners & supporters at SubscribeStar, but sooner or later one of you will be so this-and-that-booru-happy, that they will go upload and there goes any exclusivity out the window... that there isn't much sense in saying that.

Is it a fan-flippin'-tastic idea, or just a really cool one? The epic showdown of ultimate yumm and mediocre greatness goes down here, and now!


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