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...my all-in sketchfest extravaganza project "The Vault". 

  It was mentioned in late August last year, as "coming soon" right after "i quickly wrap up" this "little thing" called Fantasies II... we all know how it went down.

  But now that the Fantasies series can have a little nappy, 'The Vault' gets most of the spotlight over here at TCprod, and i want to make it a special one, as in doing what i never ever tend to do, which is collaborating with others on some of the art.

  So... have a favorite artist who every now and then does Sonic related stuff as well? You think they would be up for some participation in a physical book? Don't hold back their artist names in the comments below then. If you can make direct contact with said artist potentially acting as a bridge between us, the better.

  I have a book worth of sketches ready to go, these other artists would get one or some of them to maybe tweak a little bit towards their own style, but the main point of this coop thingy is them shading the sketches into final color versions according to their ways. 'The Vault' as a whole then will become a regular physical booklet available in my shop, at a lower price as it is a sketchier, less story driven experience than the others, and any participants get a percentage of incoming funds proportional to the number of pages they assisted in.


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