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I'm kinda having some kind of a breakthrough here with Blender on the rigging front, been at strictly modeling for a good half year being shy of really delving into what will make all what i create actually move, then i all of a sudden discover a method for near life-like booby simulation nobody ever talks about.

Seriously, it's not out yet anywhere, you're gonna see an actual technological breakthrough in a couple weeks, not just yummy squeezies. This first video is the low resolution proof of concept of my method. What makes it move is hidden, it's an industry secret sorry. Any coming demonstrations will feature actual breast models, this is just a half sphere.

I don't think that it is extremely clear to many people out there, but volume preservation, sagging from gravity while being able to lay flat on itself, not collapsing into itself at every corner, and all that being done in realtime, is kinda a big deal. Anyone remembers the Rouge video with her big flappy boobies from September? That took a good minute per each frame to calculate the physics and it had to be shown from a tricky camera angle because it was melting into itself from mid-video. Well that's the past now, and it only took a good couple hundred hours of experimen... GOOD COUPLE HUNDRED HOURS?!?!??

We also have a quick demo here of my first penis rig in action. I'm struggling with achieving a decent skin slide action, this is it till i manage to do that. I know i know erect dingdongs don't wobble this much, the model as is now is a depiction of an erection yes but the rig that makes it move is set to act as a halfway-to-erect state.

Speaking of decent skin slide actions, not that i have never done it, here is a demo from my 3DS Max days, of what i no longer consider decent.



Everybody rush to this campaign and be quick on supporting! She said 'Nice' on some public posts. What a marketing geniusss.