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I have a story idea for Sonic grooming an Amy chao and Amy doing a Sonic chao, and how Sonic's Amy chao has this "problematic" area on its... her... whatevz, chest. Amy acts fast out of pure instinct and takes the chao away from Sonic saying "it can't be yours!". Sonic just doesn't get what's going on. Some time passes and the Amy chao gets even more adult so the problematic chest actually grows into jiggly breasts. And so when Sonic plans to take his chao back during one night, he actually starts having the feelings towards the little chao Amy was worried about from the start. Could be something of an animated comic / actual animated most interesting scenes with some level of dubbing hybrid thingy, we'll see.

Tikal happened to be the second of all the guys'n'gals to start having a body developed. This is a ~day in. Being built from scratch, not downloaded from somewhere or a modified Rouge. Hoping to be able to create the lasts with much ease after going through the process so many times before / achieve subtle (or sometimes more obvious) differences that will make everybody unique compared to each other.

If you look way back i believe in May i have shared the then final Amy head made with 3DS Max. That one has been in development since 2009, with giant gaps of course. Still, it suffered greatly from the dreaded "feels right when put down, looks bad when i return to it" syndrome. So i sat down and in just a couple hours, this has become the new Amy in Blender. She's been dormant for a month and i reopened it and still like her so i'm happy with this one at last. Of course there is still much work to be done here, but she is really herself now. For my style.

Knuckles' junk has been shared already way back in my earlier Blender weeks, here are some of the others', can you guess which belongs to who?

The above, girls edition yaay!

A quick sketch inspired by a mail for the new SketchFest.



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