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Well, i saw that i actually rewcord ON video with hamada of that artistic section. So as a reward for my stupidity hahaha i gonna upload TODAY the full Ximena video. I know that you gonna love this one. 



Para verlo debes agregame como amigo en mi cuenta de VK. La cuenta es ALEVARTER DEVERSER. Solo agregaré a los Patrons, así que envíame un mensaje personal desde aquí para saber qué usuario eres y te agregaré con gusto.

Si el patrón en cuestión retira su apoyo, también se le eliminará de VK. Ayudemos a que este canal crezca :D


To see it you must add me as a friend in my VK account. The account is ALEVARTER DEVERSER. I will only add the Patrons, so send me a personal message from here to know what user you are and I will gladly add you.

If the Patron in question withdraws his support, he will also be removed from VK. Let's help this channel grow: D.



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