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My friends this is a gallery with my friend Dariely. With a stupid story about HOW I LOST ONE OF THE BETS VIDEOS THAT I EVER MADE. She is really a person who likes be the party soul. ENjoys a lot making jokes. Now she has a daughter. This 2 sessions was in their house. The first one was in their hallway were his parents are outside of the house, so we record this (lost video T_T) Qickly. And the second one was in their kitchen just because we dont had anything to do. There waws a third one recorded 3 months ago, amazingly well done were she and her sister was tiedly together as the alexa and damariis challenge. But mr ASSHOLE (Me Cotoramm haha) lost all those videos cos i lost my cellphone in a taxi hahaha. So we never had chance to watch this fantastic videos. Trust me, there are FANTASTIC. But now is all lost.



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