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Updated (06/06/20) :
- Reduced 1 layer of the Noon Light.
- Fixed Internal view (Vag) is broken
- Fixed baby feature

Ocean  of Memories (Mana transfer) now :
1$ Rewards : https://www.patreon.com/posts/19422191
5$ Rewards : https://www.patreon.com/posts/19423391 



Jake Lee

Only one way to transfer.


Yeah, best not only. Realta Nua apparently allows sucking blood. ... they sucked blood in a rather suggestive manner, but sucking blood nonetheless.


Sadly, some bugs snuck in... 1) Internal view (Vag) is broken 2) When clicking the Man button while the man is shown and while inserted, the external view penis does not disappear. When clicking the Man button while not inserted, then inserting, the penis stays hidden, as in previous works. 3) Not sure if bug, no baby feature? Advancing pregnancy with the bottle button stops at biggest fetus in womb.

James Pinnington

I don't know why but this just wont work for me. I'm on Mac and I've tried the swf format which doesn't work, and the html version that I can open in Chrome I cant interact with. Any ideas on how i can fix this?


Oh , I'm so sorry for Mac users. I really have no idea to handle this case for real T - T".


Fixed , Re*uploaded , sir :D About man's genital in hidden : I think maybe not a bug but my intention :) .


Don't know if anyone else is experiencing this but the game loads everything so slowly. It takes a lot longer for it to respond to changes in speed and when the fetus is being grown


Yeah... Maybe I should remove the Light Noon Filter. "OTL Maybe I will do it in later.


Given the way it works, it seemed like a bug... Why not have the three states by clicking the man button whenever? Having different results depending on inserted/not inserted is quite weird.


I'm starting not sure what do you mean... I will check it again then.


Hi, I just tried to edit it and re-uploaded, this is one you meaning about it, right? If yes , I'm not sure why I won't do that in the past... maybe it will cause some another bug... Anyway, here you go , I noted it on my book and I may edit all of my games in later once I'm pretty sure that there're no problem. :)


Hi,sir. I just reduce 1 layer of the Light Filter screen. Please tell me if you still get the slowly fps problem, So I will completely remove the Light Filter Screen then. :'D


Yup, works the same way it did in previous releases now.


Cant see the goods


As far as this sex position goes, I think hair pulling and ass slapping would be amazing additions. Since I don't get to see bouncing titties I would enjoy seeing those.


Is there a way to take the characters cloths off in these flash games? It seems there is an option for it, but I can't figure it out.


Yes, sure. Please try this : https://www.patreon.com/NiiCri/posts?filters[tag]=How%20to%20Play :)


Thank you for the help. I finally got it to work after I knew how you actually do it.


I'm not complaining. you're doing an awesome job. I'm just trying to give some ideas.


Oh , you gave me idea for sure , sir. That make me also think about something new such as slapping either. :)


I don't know if I'm asking too much, but can we also have some additional voice lines in the anime?

Dorian Berghauer

Where is the link to play the game? I do not see it.


you need to access through : https://www.patreon.com/posts/19423391 and click at the "Stand-Alone Works [Extra version/Gifts] " >> "Download Link : " >> " [ Here ]" and you will see them. :)