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Quite a complex feature to do in this time , personally I'm not into this tag "OTL....

Download :

So , I would like you guy have a test and please tell me how do you think :') ?
If it's works pretty well.... Well , many of our girl will be get upgrade with this feature for sure.

PS. The only thing I always afraid is 'Low-FPS' :')
... oh , and the second is taking too long to create in each a new girl too :') .




This is awesome! FPS are ok (i7 + gtx 1070)


Belly inflating I love it. FPS ok for me too (i5 + integrated graphic card). What a good result Khop Khoun Krap



André Niemand

Well. You are "pandering" to our fetishist desires. I'll test this on my system.

André Niemand

Okay. Running on an old Core2Quad....Geforce GTX 550Ti 1gig Vram and 5gigs of system ram Windows 10. Runs like ass on High and above....runs smooth enough on medium quality. I'd say 8/10 will download again.


There is some lag when stomach is max size in windowed and when I full screen it there is a huge fps drop. I have 1070 overclocked and i5-8600k.

mr k

same here. FPS drop in full screen. also nice work. I'll take bellies any way I can get them ;)


Your beautiful man, I am loving this you did a grate job.


This is pretty cool. Workes fine for me. Keep it up!


cool :)


The movement of the fetus is very wonderful. I can feel the fetal life. I hope that this system will be used for other works in the future.


I felt something wrong. In the 40th week 's fetus, there is no feeling being pushed into the uterus ,,,,.


I noticed that there was no display of the uterus.