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1. First , let me remind you that C005 & MS-004 is up now , please take grab it at my Fc2blog :] .

2. Charge up front
I think I would like to change the payment for the new patreons to charge up front(Please read it) this will help me to release the game without need to sent the game through the messages and the new patreons will get the game as soon as they got charged at the same day they joined and they don't need to wait until the beginning of the next month anymore. :] .

Long to short , I may start using Charge up front feature in the next month.

3. Next month may will be Nipapan's updates , not sure if it would be Ep 2-2 or what else. it may an update for her F-scene...

4. H-City & Saeko's endings is on working&planning now.
Can't guarantee that H-City will be ready to play in the next month or not but I'll try my best to develop it and I will try to keep update the progressing.



Timothy Cowher

niicr is your blog ok or is the issue accessing it at all on my end?


Hi , Timothy , I'm quite a shocked to hear that ! , Because I can still normally access to my Fc 2 Blog : <a href="https://drive.google.com/open?id=1LvFYbhDn1IbkWkzRfYrxVWN8wjLzaM2B" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://drive.google.com/open?id=1LvFYbhDn1IbkWkzRfYrxVWN8wjLzaM2B</a> Can you give me some of your screen-shot ? Because if it doesn't work then I would change to way to access the games in other ways. T [] T / .


Probably unrelated, but I haven't been able to access any fc2 blogs for months now. The only way I can access Fc2 is if I turn off the wifi on my phone and use mobile data.


i just notice the name Seako sound the same Saeko only different changes in the alphabet between ae to ea lol. anyway do you have plans for different sex poses or remain the same for every female with same sex animation, once the H city is stable? just checking to be sure.

Timothy Cowher

NiiCri I don't have any screenshots. I just get an error that the page is not responding. I can access it on mobile data like pickled cow. I'm wondering if it's a DNS or peering issue


Hi , Timothy. I just try to using my old blog , please try this one : <a href="https://niicri.blogspot.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://niicri.blogspot.com/</a> hoped this old one worked :') .


- Sry , that's my missed type for 'Seako' X'D . - Um... I would like to say POV first , Then angel camera in the nexts... usually people here are like POV camera , and... you know , cow-girl or missionary is the only position that you can see the whole of girl's important parts :'].... Yeah , those position are easier for me to do it too :') that's why you may keep to sees something look similar and in the forwards :'D ... but yeah , I'll do some angel camera and some different position once the girl got their own POV missionary &amp; cow-girl position . :]

Timothy Cowher

Yea the old one works. wish I knew what was wrong with the new one. I can access fc2.com but nothing that is *.fc2.com


I would like to know too :') , anyway thank for the problem reported ^ ^+ b.

Timothy Cowher

Wonder if it's a century link problem then as I can get it on mobile as well


Do you think you can add the option for saeko's hair loose?

NiiCri (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-05 11:25:21 been tried in the past , it cause too many working time &amp; problems , so I cancelled it :') .
2018-07-12 07:27:46 been tried in the past , it cause too many working time & problems , so I cancelled it :') .

been tried in the past , it cause too many working time & problems , so I cancelled it :') .