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Adventurers eating dinner be like: "So, how was your day?" "It was pretty lame, I died this afternoon trying to get lunch." "Aw man, that blows. I feel you, though. I actually died just the other day. Asshole monster attacked me for no reason, I was minding my own business." "What's your death count?" "Hm... about five, I think? "Ha, I WIN. I got 10 so far!" "Doesn't that mean you lose?"

JsnSkg (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-21 20:43:15 Yeah, it's pretty amazing how the armor is actually not CGI. They have some god-tier artists cooking at Trigger.
2024-01-21 20:43:15 Yeah, it's pretty amazing how the armor is actually not CGI. They have some god-tier artists cooking at Trigger.
2024-01-18 20:13:34 Yeah, it's pretty amazing how the armor is actually not CGI. They have some god-tier artists cooking at Trigger.

Yeah, it's pretty amazing how the armor is actually not CGI. They have some god-tier artists cooking at Trigger.

KingKai _

Meshi dungeon