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Kevin Nguyen

Honestly, it's been a while since I read the manga, so I forgot why I was so lukewarm on it until watching this. God that last third of the episode was so goofy and felt tonally out of place compared to the rest of the episode. It's a shame that the chapter 139 stuff (it kind of felt half-baked and/or rushed in the manga) was how the series ended, but it was still fun to watch/read.


A lot of people hated this ending and a lot of people loved this ending. It was by no means perfect, but it made me shed tears like no other anime has ever done. That's what it has always done since season 1 all the way through to this finale. For some people the best stories aren't the ones written to reach a perfect conclusion, but instead written to reach your heart and soul. I think AoT did a pretty amazing job doing exactly that.