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Without spoiling, he will not be naked the whole season lmao


I get why you would be weirded out by that part near the end but I think you missed some context. The fight was over, at that point if she didn’t do that the timeline is Fuuko joins the union with Shen and Andy is tortured for the next ten years again, she was doing that to mercy kill him since he was about to go through 10 years minimum of brutal torture for her. I don’t think she quite grasps how nonchalant Torture would be for him yet since he was jokingly making it seem hellish at the beginning I think the problem was more of the timing than it was the actual intent


I mean yeah lmao that’s the whole reason why it was weird. The timing. She straight up was just gonna pass it up in the middle of the street 💀💀💀 context doesn’t make it any less weird tbh.