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2021-08-28 15-51-30

Watch "2021-08-28 15-51-30" on Streamable.


Vincent S Deluca

That same animator said in the same thread that those animations he made that got cut were much more complicated than the ones that were used, when it comes to animating time is key, you can have an incredibly choreographed fight but if you don't have the time to execute it you need to pick what scenes to priorities and what scenes to simplify, what's crucial to the story and what's just embellishment. Also the Anime is GENERALLY very faithful and actually nailed Horikoshi's artstyle and usually improves on it. BUT they havent figured out how to reproduce Horikoshis line work when he gets really dark and detailed, which usually happens to shigaraki. since the beginning scenes with Shiggy that had huge impact in the manga and looked terrific just haven't hit the same for that reason, and those scenes are happening more as he enters the show more often