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Neverbinsus: "Then don't introduce a quirk that strong"... The purpose of the introduction of Star is to weaken All for one, before she came, nobody was able to find All for one and was just chilling stoking quirks and preparing Shigaraki's body , because of her he was lured out in to the open, fought a do or die battle and got fucked up in the process, losing a lot of the stock of quirks he had and on top of that, weakening Shigaraki's body progress again, thus giving more time to the heroes and a handicap for the upcoming fight. I think that Horikoshi should have introduce her to us way earlier in the series, but it's not that big of an issue as he is saying. The problem with "My hero academia" is the "academia" part this motif pretty much stops the series to do more things outside of the UA scope.


Shameless request, but if you looking for a new muscle mommy then check out Grimm Variations on Netflix. It's a 6 episode anthology series with a dark skinned giant hammer using muscle mommy.