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Since ED mentioned that he never finished a baseball anime, here's a few good ones: "Ace of Diamond" is probably the best in regards to having the most interesting matches. My favorite though is the "Major" series, which focuses on the life story of a kid starting from him in the Little Leagues and ending with him in the World Series; there's also "Major 2nd" that I also highly recommend (it's technically a sequel to the original "Major", but you can probably follow it without too much knowledge of the original since the cast is mostly new and has an overall different feel to the original, albeit you will miss out on some callbacks). I've also heard "Cross Game" is great, but I haven't checked it out yet (from what I understand, it's more romance focused).


25:49 A battery in baseball refers to the pitcher and catcher pair. Alot of baseball anime tends to have them as the main characters since its a bit easier to write character development and drama due to how integral they need to work together compared to other defensive positions.


I’ve tried ace of Diamond a few times and liked it. I just never stuck with it past the first like 20 episodes 🤣 it wasn’t bad I think i just forgot about it at times lol