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Man wtf going on lmao. Imma let y'all know in advance there were a couple periods where I was struggling so chill on me lmao.


K king

Me during the start of the movie: 😄😯😎 Me after the movie: 😐😵‍💫😓


honestly i've watched this twice now and i'm still incredibly confused LMFAO theres like bunch of video essays you can find on youtube breaking down the symbolism and messages in the movie which i might have to go check out to prepare for the sequel early next year. but anyways, great reaction as always! also im jumping the gun here but next season dungeon meshi made by studio trigger will be airing and yall need to reserve a spot for that reaction >_<


i fucking hate this bitch homura bro

Just Another Josh

Rebellion is one of my favorite pieces of anime, ever. Even more so than the show itself. It’s so absurdly artistic and that final twist is incredible. It’s flipped everything on it’s head and we now have two main characters with god like powers, one of which is obsessed with the other. It’s been torture waiting so many years for them to continue this story. The amount of small details mixed into this one movie is ridiculous. Every possible moment is filled with so layers and you could easily write entire essays on each scene. Also doesn’t hurt that Homura vs Mami is one of the coolest gun fights in all of anime. Time stop is common in anime, but I’ve never seen another anime play so much with the unpausing and the sudden chaos of everything moving again.

TheOnly Wang

oh god not this one