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Here comes the wish


Just Another Josh

This episode has two scenes I adore for their emotional weight. Madoka's mother at the bar and Homura breaking down in front of Madoka. The first is a VERY rare example of parents being not only present in an anime, but actively noticing the things happening around them and being understandably confused and worried. Any other show would have skipped that scene, because it's irrelevant to the plot, but Madoka takes the time to show the worries and doubts of her mother. It makes her feel so much more genuine and human. It's such a small detail, but I love the decision to bring it into focus for a scene. Homura's conversation with Madoka really reinforces the idea that her ENTIRE existence is dedicated to this one girl who barely knows her at all. Madoka thinks she's a transfer student she's only known for a month and part of that time she was a potential threat, whereas Homura views Madoka as the sole purpose for her life and has spent nearly 12 YEARS trying to save her. I really wish the show actually told the audience just how many loops she went through because it makes lots of Homura's actions and responses far more understandable. At this point in the story, Homura has spent almost half her life dedicated to saving this one girl. All while each redo forces her to be more and more distant from Madoka. It's all she has and she's slowly losing even that. It's cruel.