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Shoutout to Neptune for the recommendation!



Oooh Irregular at magic high school! Very nice. Good pick Neptune my G! Also...damn, Taylor! I ain't the only one recommending shows you know? Lmao :P


love this show


Lmao, I'll take that compliment, thanks. I try to be everyone's favorite and make everyone happy tho ;)


oh man what a treat on a friday. this is one of my favorite series of all time Tatsuya is a badass on a completely different level yall gonna love this

matthew bremmer

It fixes towards the middle. It sounds like a reverb effect where you hear the sound and then it echos back after that a few secs later. Could just be me since no one else mentioned it.

Lord LaMink

Oh yeah I need yall to pick this one up, and see why Tatsuya is Goated 🙏🏿

Just Another Josh

To be honest, overall this show isn't anything particularly great and has some REAL weird plot points, but god damn the magic system is really cool and the soundtrack is great (Election and Code Break in particular). It's one of those shows that I'd never rate that highly, but also could never quite forget about. You don't really see this blend of technology and magic very often. 90% of the show is just watching Tatsuya be crazy OP and that's fun. The action scenes are all solid, even if some other aspects of the show are weak.

matthew bremmer

nah I feel like a jackass now. I went back and the audio is fine, and then noticed I had two instances of the reaction running on two browsers. Sorry for my clownworld.


Tatsuya is that guy it's finally fuckin time!

Charlie baker

I was done with this show with the brocon incest shit personally

Георги Христов

Same. It wasn't a bad OP MC / wish fulfillment power fantasy show. But I dipped out as soon as sweet home Alabama started knocking :D

Charlie baker

Didn't help that miyukis one of the more annoying brocon characters ive come across


classic op main character show

matthew bremmer

Incest is best put yo sista to the test!


Thought Taylor scratching his beard were the sound effects for the footsteps 💀


was not expecting this one but i appreciate it! this one of my favorites for sure, def would be a fun pickup especially if you like the misfit at demon king academy. it's got 2 seasons(26 eps for season 1, 13 eps for season 2) and a movie + another season in production rn