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Woooo!! What a great episode lmao! I'm shipping BellxRyu!


Jose silva

Bell x Ryu ship is sailing strong, also Bell is going to 1v1 him sick asf

Jalen Holmes

I ship tf outta them already man lmao

Jalen Holmes

Also in case yall wanna know, they were always called it juggernaut but yall were calling it despair. (it doesn't matter to me bc I knew what yall meant)


I gotta agree with you about Bell and Ryu. Out with Hestia and Ais, in with Ryu.


Aw man, I don't want this to end! I mean, I do.... but like, holy shit this season has been so damn good.


I will join you on that ship. I’ll hoist the sails captain. Loved the after episode discussion.

Jojo Banzai

Maaan it was worth finally subscribing to your patreon for this! Danmachi has come a long way and I’m proud of my boy Bell! Definitely locked down on the Bell x Ryu ship 🙏 idk how Ais is gonna compare to Ryu as best girl anymore LMAO

Jojo Banzai

Also, sadly episode 22 next week is the season 4 finale 😔 I can’t wait for season 5!!! Hell I might even read the light novels after this arc

Miguel angel lugo

Low key facts I mean this week’s episode was nothing but wholesome I mean in the moment not gonna lie I would have been honest and open with ryuu


Ayee welcome fam! And yeah Ais is boring to me anyway lol. She don’t deserve Bell!

alan G.

Man idk what the author was thinking giving us this if bell likes aiz. To hell with aiz bro I don't want it no more😂


Ryuu best girl for real! I mean I've been on the bandwagon for seasons. But season 4 just reinforces that notion. Wondering how the author could get me to like Ais more. Guess I gotta wait and see

Anthony Nguyen

I was damn worried that the scene with Bell cauterizing his wound wouldn't be as good as in the novels, but the sound of the Firebolt and Bell's scream on his face was just perfect. Bell's fucking built different.


SOOOOO GOOOOOOD Why does it have to end. (and a small answer what they set on fire was some monster drops, mainly Barbarian hair, apparently it is very oily and burns well for a make shift bonfire) (and man I cant imagine how much of a relief that safe zone was for Bell and Ryu, at that point they had been wondering for we dont even know how many hours, could have been a whole day by that point with maybe 5 min naps if they found a lull in the monsters all while having no food or water. Adventurers built different) alrighty, last one before the grand Finale here we go. The only real change for this episode was for when Bell and Ryu were together near the stream it was a lot less "funny awkward moments" and more just "silent somber bonding", I can understand why they made it more the ha ha side but having them quiet and just resting would have been really cool and the scene of Bell hugging Ryu's back was a bit different in she dropped the coat and huddled down in front of Bell then he embraced her and we got a lot more inner thoughts of Ryu but what we got was still great, I loved this part in the series so much seeing it animated is amazing. (Oh and a small thing the Juggernauts Chimera form was described a bit more gruesome in the books but that would have been a lot harder to animate so I see why they picked that style, still looks gnarly) I dont wanna go, it cant end, after this the series is pretty much caught up maybe about a seasons worth of content is available, I want more. Catch you guys next week


Quick thing the Juggernaut didnt fight the floor boss it is just using an attack similar to the Floor Boss' signature attack

Miguel angel lugo

Still like I’m shipping these 2 ryuu deserves to be loved by someone and bell Fits that roll the chemistry 🧪 they have is amazing and not to discredit other girls but with her it’s like she is ride or die

Miguel angel lugo

And that moment when they huddled I mean I could see the sparks ⚡️ and bell realization of how ryuu is a strong person she is still a female and can be delicate and show how she suffers from baggage issues


finally the title of the anime makes sense lol