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episode 2 was new material that wasn't in the game.


that chip ending is real in the game when your putting in skills and stuff it lets you remove things like mini map sound and even your operating chip kiling u


EP2 paints a picture of how the world of Automata is. Majority of the scenes here are anime only but there are some parts that were seen in the game also. The story telling in this episode is highly similar to how the game tells the player how things are with the usage of symbolism and metaphors.


Talking about that Kratos vs. Thor fight toward the beginning of GoW Ragnarok..... the moment when Thor's like, "Oh, no, we're not done until I say we're done." That was so well done. Threw me off-guard.


So cool that you guys react to the show! It's my all time favorite game (completed it on 100% 4 times plus it's predecessor and read all the books as well) followed by the Tales of Series and then the Final Fantasy one! You should definitely check out the game for sure. The story telling is just on another level imho. Yoko Taro really outdid himself there! Also the OST to the game is absolutely gorgeous, highly recommended to listen to and eventually check out the live version on stage of it! Thanks for the reaction fam, glad to see y'all enjoy it


Ha! I wished i was lying! I'm obsessed with this game lmao.


Ayo, if you plan to stream it, I'll be there😁Automata is in my top 5 games ever, and when it came out in 2017, it was GOTY for me. They're using the same exact soundtracks from the game, with little to no remix/edits to them. Like you said before, playing the game with the voice acting, soundtracks, and crazy story is completely different from getting the experience from watching the show. I know you're a busy man, so I hope you get to dive into it whenever you get the chance.