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welp I am way late to this, dont know why but I didnt get a notice and couldnt find it in my feed for some reason but Whooo Floor Boss, Deep Levels SO HYPE. and now for a late cut content, still standing strong with how this is all pretty much still 1 for 1 with the source material, only thing I can really point out would be little things that dont really matter much BUT there is one thing and that is that and this one is just kind of my opinion but for the Floor that Bell and Ryu are on it is way to bright down there, in the LN it was described as very dark, ceiling so high he couldnt see it and darkness all around them, I get they have to let us see whats going on but the darkness is what that Skull Sheep used to hide itslef, its "Shroud" or skin makes it hard to see it in the dark which is why it kinda "disappeared" when it jumped at Bell, the Deep Floor monsters are clever and cunning, cant wait for more. welp gonna head over to ep 14 right away now so see ya guys there.

Osiris Cage

That intro crispy!!

Jalen Holmes

Sherm Im an anime only and I think that part in the opening is not a spoiler. I think it was like a flashback to ryu old party when they fought the monster before


First video I've seen you go solo, but you held it down well. Best wishes to Von, and hope it ends up as nothing more than caution. On the episode though, I get so excited to watch each week now, but got a bit of despair brewing myself when I sit down to watch, lol.


Oh man, glad he didn't get it, but yeah being smart and cautious was a good idea. it sucks though cause this was an awesome episode and I would have loved his reactions too, but maybe next vid he can throw in his two cents since I am sure he is watching on his own too! ^-^


Yeah. My approach to MOST openings is the lack of context. I really have no idea what's going on, things are flashing quickly, not much of a spoiler. Though even better when the op is actually just abstract imagery with no actual footage.


Mikoto better be alive, I swear. I'm sick and tired of all the waifucide lately. I also really hope Ryu doesn't bleed out or something. I'm sending PLOT ARMOR GOD all my prayers.


Man, I felt the rage from Aisha. That voice acting and face animation really hit.


if haruhime even gets knocked out everyone else is fucked because theres no level buff


Thank you! Not my first Solo rodeo haha! But yeah he tested negative, it was just precautionary. Glad you enjoyed!




I don’t think the OP was spoiling anything for Bell, because the scenes with him had his armor, and Bell no longer has armor.


Cassandra!! Of all the people, you with the foresight should have moved out of the way!


Funny thing about Cassandra, in Greek mythology there was a person named Cassandra who could see the future. But she was cursed by Apollo for no one to ever believe her. They made that into a little gag with this Cassandra.