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This wasn't as bad as I was expecting lol



Okay I’m putting in my bet now: I say Bon will go and not Todo. Only because I still believe he’s going to pass his power to Fushi. I don’t know just a gut feeling.🤔


I don't think the nokkers would just let people die of natural causes because Kahaku's nokker just said "Fushi and The Black One have the power to make flesh eternal", as in they can just bring people back and not let them die of "old age" lets say. I think the nokkers were sent here to solve the"Fushi" problem, like if Fushi isn't letting the souls move on and escape the "painful and suffering" flesh cuz he's just bringing them back to life, then the nokkers or the souls are just trapped forever in the flesh. Nokkers showed up right after Fushi, probably cuz he's able to keep the souls trapped in the flesh forever. Never read the manga or anything.


Fair. They were sent essentially as a counter to Fushi is what you mean? I can see that.


Yeah. I think they were either sent by someone who doesn't fuck with The Beholder or nature itself just burst them into existence cuz it was like "yo there's this new thing that doesn't belong here, let's make something to kill it", kinda like what the immune system does to a virus.