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Ooooooo wee! Next week is going to be good I hope! RIP my boy though smh.



Watch "OverlordS4E12" on Streamable.



So a couple of things I learned from other people in comment sections was that the blade cocytus used was his creator's blade and it is the sharpest blade he has access to. He did that as a form of respect for brain's warrior resolve. Also apparently the reason why he walked entirely around the alley way they were in was because cocytus didn't want to walk right past him after he had fallen as another form of respect.


Yeah that much about walking around was pretty obvious, given the circumstances. That whole sequence from the face-off to that part hit different.


It's not about having learned his lesson or not, that's irrelevant. He would just rather go down fighting rather than going out like a bitch. I respect it, and so does Cocytus. Hence why he PRESERVED his body in ice, rather than letting it rot. 100% out of respect. It's been established that he knows fighting Ainz and his Kingdom is a lost cause, he's known all season that there's no chance, and he's come to terms with it. But he's a warrior, so he's gonna go up to meet the challenge and fight til he dies. He's clearly ready to join his mentor by dying a warrior's death. It's written all over his face when he says his goodbye to Princess Renner and Climb.