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For the lack of posting the past few days. I've been depressed, haven't been able to really eat, haven't been sleeping all that great, and have lost all motivation to do anything outside of getting out of bed and forcing myself to shower and eat something. I've been going through it and I apologize for not bringing this up to you all earlier. I'm trying to get better, I'm just in a rough patch right now. I'll be posting gintama and some more here soon, I'm slowly trying to get back in the groove of things. Thank you for being patient with me and I'm sorry again. You all pay your hard earned money to support us so the least I could have done was let you all know what was going on right when I was going through it.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.


Umi-Ocean R

All good man, I hope whatever you're going through gets better and don't feel the need to rush and burn yourself out!


Hey Sherm. You mighht now see this but if you do just wanna say how much you help others. I have schizophrenia and go through a lot of shit cuz of it. Whenever I am feeling really fucked up I have to get a distraction. Watching your reaction vids is one of my main disctractions, you guys always help me to get a grip with shit and to come me down. I watch your guys Konosuba and Grand Blue reactions over and over. so anyways hope you feel betetr soon and just member you help other people a lot.


Wow...That means so much fam. Thank you for willing to be vulnerable and share that with us. Love you fam and thanks for the support and words of encouragement!