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Shoutout to ZombieLord for yet another Patron request!



Watch "SpiderSoWhat1" on Streamable.


Richie Roberts

The sad fact is that everything about this series is really good or above average. Especially in the first half, but the CG is like... Overlord bad. And the 2nd half is a lot of CG. The story, acting, music, sound design, and concept is really good, and the actual animation is nice too, but the CG is terrible. It's another cautionary tale of a rushed production and animation issues. This series could have benefitted from having a break in the middle of the show. I don't remember the specifics of what happened, but the 2nd half cg was garbage, which hurt because the story, acting, and characters deserved better. I'm sure someone more read up on the bts will follow up on this. Be regardless of the cgi issues this series is still worth the watch.

Daniel Borrego

oh god. so basically half the show is a 7/10 and half the show is a 1/10. Shun and the rest of the magic kids are the most boring 1 dimentional generic characters ever made. they remind me of the 3 heros in goblin slayer, but in goblin slayer they take up about 2 minutes in the entire first season where shun's stupid story literally takes half the season up. around episode 12 or 13 the story gets better(for kumoko at least). shuns story never gets better. basically everyone who isnt shun and those directly around him are interesting(fey started to get interesting then they just ditch her for some reason). shuns brother is actually more interesting then him and i would have rather his story be the other half of the series. Its the only anime where i literally fastforwarded through half of every episode(basically skipping the magic school kids story)