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Saturn (Roman)/Chronos (Greek) is an obvious mythological reference to Zeus's father. The guy always carried a scythe and like many Greek gods, threatened to eat his own kids or kill family members. It gives a lot of insight into who Desha, Despa and Ouken are based off of too. These Pantheon gods have habits of deposing of their tyrannical fathers. Ouken going mad due to immortality isn't really too far off from these myths too.


A lot of people hate Apeas for being loyal to Miranjo, but I honestly think it's very in-character. Recall his flashbacks where he's literally useless until Miranjo empathised with him earnestly and gave him confidence. When only 1 person believes in you, you're bound to trust her back. Not to mention, he also saved Bojji and Hilling previously unprompted. Let's not forget his positives. On the other hand, I wouldn't trust Apeas's interpretations of Miranjo's intentions either.


Apeas was dying from the bandit's poison. Miranjo did nothing to him outside of giving confidence lol. Also, it's pretty clear that Miranjo controlled that rat to save Apeas. It has the same red eyes as any of the other controlled creatures. They did show partially Ouken's little sword trick when he was with Despa, but it wasn't fully clear.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Plus the fact that Desha can hurl lightning makes it a bit more on the nose lol A lot of people just take the name "Satun" at face value like, "Oh, satan? King of hell? That must be it" and maybe to some extent it is, but i think your interpretation of the influences for that character are a bit closer to the mark, so good catch.

NC Hawks Fan

They did show Ouken repair his sword in a previous episode.


I have a feeling that Daida caring for little Miranjo in that other dimension place, wherever it is, is having an effect on the mirror Miranjo's mental state. There was that one time Daida got rid of all the assholes that were talking shit to little Miranjo, and then mirror Miranjo said her heart felt lighter. Then you have this episode, where she offers advice in favor of saving Bojji, and then it cuts to Daida and little Miranjo. So I'm very curious to see more of that development.