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This is irredeemable lmao. The fact they befriended this psychopath is wild.



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Quite the post episode discussion LOL


Fun fact: her name is a pun on the word yandere, which explains everything.

Jose silva

most people don't like that b;tch, aside from that great reaction. Also are you two brothers?

Mr. I Like Spam

This bitch is lucky a certain someone wasn't here.


Idk about irredeemable... she definitely needs to be put in juvi, though. Get set straight. Also she's still young, so there's still a capacity for change. It'd be worse if she was a full grown adult, and more difficult to influence. I personally wouldn't say she's beyond help or too far gone. Observant people, such as our main character here, can see that. If she squanders her second chance though, then no mercy. There's also the fact that this is a romcom anime, sooooooooooo....... XD Not defending her, but rather thinking outside the box. She's still fucked up, and I don't like her at all, but I don't really hate her either.


Goddamn, the translations are so out of sync sometimes. Like, how does one translation end up being "Thank you for having us" and the other "it was quite disturbing?" The former makes more sense, given what they said afterwards was, "so polite."


LMAO this is exactly why I said it had bad subs on Netflix apparently and you assured me it wasn’t that bad 😂🤣😂

Alex cleveland

I would've gave that crazy bitch the Pedigree 🤦🏽‍♂️


What are you talking about? How does this mean that Netflix has bad subs? Netflix was the one that had "Thank you for having us." I remember when I watched it. The translations were all pretty on-point as far as I could tell (being half-Japanese). The main issue ppl had was that not every little itty bitty thing was translated, which has been mostly fixed as far as I know.

Smash Bran'Discootch

To address another comment on here, basically the way that Netflix does subtitles is bad. They use the wrong translations so often in order for it to be "better to understand" for non japanese speaking audiences. This means that a lot of cultural things or cultural reasons why certain phrases are used are just lost. For example, in the japanese language, there are no actual swear words. They may use swear words from other languages such as english, but the language itself does not contain swear words. The equivalent of swearing in Japanese is just like....speaking rudely. So oftentimes when characters or just people speaking Japanese are swearing, it gets translated a bit softer because they're just speaking rudely, but due to the context and the cultural precedence, it's basically a swear word. Whenever Netflix is doing their translations for subtitles, they don't take that stuff into account so you end up with a really flat, sometimes too literal translation that ends up being not at all what the writers were going for. It can make for some really awkward or confusing scenes. Thats why, if you can find something on a source other than netflix, you're better off using that source. Fansubs, as odd as it sounds, are oftentimes the best translations that are the closest to the source material's intent. As far as streaming services, Crunchyroll is one that is usually pretty good about taking cultural stuff and actual japanese speaking patterns into account when doing their translations. That isn't to say they're perfect, because they arent, but they're a world's sight better than netflix.


yamai gets so much worse