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Poor Miranjo...



Watch "RankingOfKings11" on Streamable.



Man, when they introduced despa he did not seem that capable. But he really was a good teacher.

Peter Jajou

That facebook shit is annoying, but when you get that notification you can click on the three dots and click "turn off notifications" just annoying af that we even have to do that when we didn't ask to get updated on someone else's status


I've been having this debate on the discussion boards with others, but I truly do not think those villagers were speaking the truth about Miranjo. Given the context they gave, it feels clear that they were nationalists who blamed Miranjo's clan for whatever misfortunes they went through. Now obviously, being a powerful witch, Miranjo probably took revenge over those villagers. But I'm pretty sure the bigoted villagers were the ones who started this whole cycle of hatred.


Yeah as soon as they started explaining what they did to her everything they said prior to I just disregarded. They’re full of it.


Remember when you used to think of Bebin as on the "evil side"? He's a 1000x better teacher than Domas could ever be.


He's not trying to cover for himself, he's trying to cover for Miranjo. That's why it immediately cut to Apeas saying her name lol.