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Bojji is that boy!! Let's go!



Watch "RankingOfKings10" on Streamable.



As someone who doesn't really enjoy the good guy characters beacuse most of the time there's nothing going on character wise other than them being the ultimate good guy, Bojji is a really enjoyable main character. Him being a kid also plays into that and the naivety he shows at different points makes it a lot more believale. The initial distrust he shows in this episode makes me like him even more as a character. Also, the discussion you guys had about the animation last episode was not quite right. You were talking mostly about art and compositing. In terms of pure 2D animation, this is as good as anything else out right now except maybe that weird CloverWorks show about middle school girls.

Darian Phidd (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-05 17:47:09 We need a Re:Animated R&B group
2022-02-01 03:49:59 We need a Re:Animated R&B group

We need a Re:Animated R&B group


I'm pretty sure I said the art style was weird but the animation is really good. Maybe I didn't convey that clearly enough, but yes, this has some great animation.


Ah no no, you were clear, I was the one not conveying my point clearly. I just wanted to highlight the compositing part in general since it's overlooked or not many people know about it. For example, Ufotable thrive on compositing and after-effects. Most of my comments are throwing out info that I would love for more people to know about.