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Watch "RankingOfKings9" on Streamable.


Alejandro Pupo

They popped off with the fuckin action in this episode


I wonder if bosse is considered one of the big four or if there's a character they haven't introduced yet. It's the guy that tried to kill boji, Dorsche, and the snake guy. Unless he's not one of them and there's still 2 not introduced


Oh duh, Apeas, the spear guy. Nevermind they're all there lol


Whenever action is involved, Wit definitely doesn't like to lack in the animation. This anime is one of the prime examples where we should not depend on our art preferences


I wasn't sure if I'd like it at first, but the simple style really grew on me. It fits the sorta dark fairytale world, and the simplicity lets the animators really pop off. Not just the big moments, but even a lot of the mundane scenes and stuff like facial animation just looks great

K king

About the art style, a lot of people had that problem at first. Its the reason why this show was slept on for so long but the story and characters is fucking good and art does grow on you after time

Damion Middleton

Whew! What an Episode! They yet again don’t miss 🔥


Damn.. My memory is getting rusty I guess. Thanks for the correction bro. Well, at least both don't go lazy in animation especially for fights lol


art reminds me of the older styles. Kinda like Astro Boy not exact but kinda similar

Black Gravity

this show is good love the camera work and style daida is going thru it tho

Tyreesh Simmons

Is it saying video not available for anyone else? I need this heat lmao


Yeah, it’s only doing it on mobile. I can see it fine on PC so I’m looking into it bro.


Aye if you open the link to this video in your web browser (safari, chrome, or whatever you have on your phone) it’ll work. Idk why it’s doing that.


Hiling's voice acting is so damn good. Also really love how Yuki Kaji changes his voice up between Daida and Bosse-Daida. It's like, Daida is S1 Eren, and Bosse-Daida is S4 Eren. XD