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Another great episode, glad to see Roxy get some closure with her family!



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Alex cleveland

A PTO day for me! Glad to watch more of MT from yall!

Rudeus Greyrat

i didnt expect them to spend the whole episode on roxy tbh, but it was wholesome lol.

Jean-Marc Mwandulo

I’m glad they finally gave an episode to best girl eris and Rudy had a l out more screen time than I thought they would this season, I thought they’d spent a least a 1 whole episode on Paul’s journey but not mad at it at all great episode as always


Definitely a solid episode for sure, can't wait to see what next week has to offer!

Peter Jajou

The Roxy scenes with her parents had me tearing up lowkey.. I think next episode is finally the episode I been waiting on, can't wait

Rudeus Greyrat

i guess none of yall caught when horse face said the reason roxy didnt want to go back home was because she couldnt use telepathy. her dad looked so sad when the mom was teaching her language, because he probably didnt know how to deal with roxy living without being to speak telepathically lol.


The horse mentioning it no, didn’t know the context of it, or remember it at least because I think they mentioned their people using telepathy when Rudy first came through the village. As far as the dad’s face when she was being taught by her mom how to speak without telepathy it was mentioned during our review that that was probably why he was looking like that.

Rudeus Greyrat

yeah i hear ya. episode was slow tho i will admit, but its an important episode for later in the story so it has its purpose.


Goddess Roxy🙏🏽

Emman Reed

slower ep. But was prob needed to give roxy that closure


Shoutout to Taylor for the Rudy VA fun fact. Glad I could be of service in the Discord lol.


All the "What was that?" with the telepathic communication attempts had me facepalming so hard. It was incredibly obvious that that's what they were doing lol. Like, how would they be "speaking Demon-God" if their mouths aren't moving? LOL. Glad you got that eventually, but damn lmao.