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Wow! This episode was really good!



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Alex cleveland

Is it crazy for me to say that Mushoku Tensei is already a top 3 Isekai anime?!🤷🏽‍♂️🔥🤍


i didnt expect to see rudy and paul before he sees roxy


I was damn near hollering at my screen...Like you coulda said all that without hitting the lil man and escalating a situation. I know Paul is super disappointed in Rudy though. I kept saying....well Paul does have a point...you could have written at the first city. Yikes.


So I won't lie I caved and read the series and manga and honestly am sad how they animated it slightly cause from my view reading it Paul was never 'calm' at first. The second he was with Rudy he basically went off on him (Similar to season 1 with Rudy picking on kids to defend Sylphie) is how I saw it. So both being calm at first seems a bit downplayed

Rudeus Greyrat

i mean paul is just throwing his frustrations out at rudy, because paul hasn't been able to find a trace of zenith or lillia or aisha in a year and a half. he thought redues who was a saint tier water mage at age 5 would have at least helped in some regard.

Rudeus Greyrat

nahhhhh in the light novel paul was happy to find rudy and getting more and more frustrated as rudy told his story lol

Peter Jajou

I'm not sure if it'll be next episode or the episode after next, but it's going to be so fkn good, it'll be insane


Everybody just needs a snickers if you ask me. 'specially Eris. she always needs a snickers

Jeremiah Wagner

I’m gonna have to disagree because like Arctioa said it was exactly like this in the LN


Am guessing he threw up because he was thinking about his family and the green hair girl and them being enslaved or dead


rudy vomited because he got nervous and realized the gravity of his situation, that a hole nation of people got displaced in that event and there was a possibility one of his love ones was a slave now, that's what i think. I really want to tell you what happens but then i will hate myself for saying anything. Just Know after this next ep, shit gets crazy.

Yoel Alem

This was such a good episode one of the best I’ve seen in a while


also they changed some stuff from the manga, Rudy when he sparred with pale with is fist he said to himself how far has his dad fallen because he did not have to use his eye to parry him in the bar... but he did use his eye in the abandoned building.

Emman Reed

FUCKING fire ep, also now that I listen to it. Monkey man sounds like man god. Also maybe rudy threw up bc paul and everyone in his group reminded him of his old life and how they looked at him? Also this ep made rudy feel like on the inside is still a fat, low self esteem neet. Hopefully he does get his shit together next ep.


Well, the story wouldn't have been dramatic if Rudeus wrote at least 1 letter mentioning about his safety and circumstances to his family in the span of 1.5 years lol No matter what this anime throws at me, I keep loving it!


I understand where both sides (Rudy and Paul) are coming from. Rudy probably should've written a while ago, but so much stuff happened that preoccupied his mind. I get Paul is also frustrated and in dire straits (he looks like shit), and hearing about Rudy's adventure which probably SOUNDS like "goofing off" in relative terms, but for Rudy himself who ended up isolated from everyone else, it was not just an adventure but also a battle for survival. They both had valid points. It stung that his sister didn't know him. It made sense, but I felt that. Like damn. The whole situation is just hella depressing. I wish titties really did make everything better. Really loved that sweet moment with Eris and Rudy at the end. Eris has come a long way. She punched him when she first met him, and now she's hugging him to comfort him.

Shin splits

That’s why I think this shit is so good everyone has points that support why they are mad but obviously I feel like both are in the wrong but personally speaking imo Paul in more in the wrong if that makes sense? Rudy at tend the day was like 10-11 when he first got transported and he had no idea how big of scale the incident was. While Paul on the other hand did. Paul put immense pressure on a 10 year old to figure out everything while not considering Rudy’s situation. Rudy left out a lot of the hardships he went through to generalize his time spent adventuring like he was captured and has to fight off smugglers and faced a north Saint. Rudy definitely should have at least tried to contact his family but he was a 10 year old so making sure you survive should be everyone’s priority.


My simple ass thought it was because he licked a bad pair of panties 🤷🏽‍♂️😂

Richie Roberts

I'm copy/pasting this from JoeFreshest's reaction, but this is my comment that I'm quoting and it's still applicable. I think the reason Eris reacted to the 'consoling' line is because that's not her specialty rather than anything sexual, and she doesn't know how to console someone. Especially not someone she cares so much for like Rudy. I think it was less about her mind being in the gutter and more like being thrown into a situation she's not prepared for. She's more of a fighter than someone who can tend to a person's emotional needs. Also, keep in mind, that for a year an a half Rudy has been a solid foundation for her. No matter what, he has had a plan or been a source of stability. And then she sees this man essentially broken like this. Her first thought is to lash out at whatever hurt him, because that is what she knows. And now she's is being asked to step outside of her comfort zone and to console Rudy rather than avenge him. As for Rudy's disposition, I think the argument and the fight was well done. However, it feels like when Rudy got back to the room and was stewing in his thoughts, they rushed through it too quickly. There was a lot more going on internally in that scene that was left out. In the anime it feels like he suddenly throws up. But in the LN there is so much he is thinking about and blaming himself for and he vomits from all of the emotions, thoughts of what he could have done better, and the overwhelmingly negative self reflection. The revelation of what happened to everyone and how he felt like he hadn't really changed from his previous life hit him hard. I don't want to go too into it, because it's worth reading for yourself. It's like the act of vomiting caused him to burst, and that was the physical representation. Even if it's just on your own, I highly recommend reading vol 5 (this part of the anime) of the LNs. There is so much context that I knew the anime wasn't going to be able to cover. These next few episodes are going to be a big advertisement for the LN. Because there is so much going on in this part of the story. That I don't think the anime will be able to fully represent, but I can say it lived up to what I head in my head when I read this. The other thing I like about this is that no one is the bad guy here. In fact each side has a point. But the way this turned out means they weren't able to handle it well. Rudy was in the wrong for assuming things about Paul just as much as Paul was with Rudy. And neither of them should have resorted to violence after they talked. So they both made terrible choices, but no one was a villain here. Also keep in mind that for a year and a half the only family member he's had any contact with has been Norn. Rudy is the first family member he's found since the incident. How much of a toll did that take? Go back and read the letter at the end of the first core now. There is so much context there.

Richie Roberts

That adventure board you're talking about was at the Fittoa site. He missed the one in Zant port cause he got grabbed up and thrown in Doldia prison immediately after saving those kids. And the letter never made it to the demon continent guilds. No one took the request down either, it's up at all of the guilds still. I hope they cover what Paul has been up to this whole time, cause that is some craziness.

Jean-Marc Mwandulo

Imo Paul was in the right with how he reacted given the time period and cultural norms at that time (but I don’t agree with punching your kids) imagine hearing your son tell you about his fun and dangerous adventures he had while you was searching for him and the rest of your family, fell into depression and started drinking super heavily as a result, you’ve tried making amends with your wife and now you can’t find her and the child you made due to your affair is suffering somewhere as well unknown to you. On top of that your son doesn’t ask about his mother or siblings at all after finding out her village was affected too? I’d be super pissed ngl


Paul is just a clown tbh, he makes his own problems worse, wouldn't have to look for a second child if he aint have the affair, now hes even more stressed out.