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Wow, what a cliffhanger lol. We finally see our Ayanokoji's true intentions and they blue ball us! To the LN!



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YO when im first watch the anime, i felt that it is a really enjoyable series. Then cant wait for another season and just jumped to the LN from the start until latest vol. And I can definitely see why LN readers riot for the anime adaptation and why the sales is not that good considering how popular the LN is. All i can say is, its definitely getting crazier after this point. The anime adapted 3 vol, while the total vol already amount to 15+ if im not mistaken


I’m super excited to start the LN, the story definitely got me interested!

Umi-Ocean R

I forgot about the last lines and now I wanna read the LN even though the story isn't the same!

Umi-Ocean R

15+!!!! Wow, that's a decent amount of content, really considering reading it. I just wish I could've gotten visual representation, but it might still be worth it!


This is the question I had at the first episode: do you wanna know when an anime is gonna blue ball you or would you rather find out for yourself? Cuz COTE is a great anime but if they're never gonna make a season 2 that ending is almost unforgivable


You dont hear much about best bois in anime (besides maybe ranga lol) but if you were to ask me, kiyotaka is on my best bois list. I LOVE his character. The way he conducts himself, on the outside appearing neither too friendly nor too unapproachable while on the inside scheming his way to the top behind everyones backs, feels very appropriate for how life should be handled. Only make the "allies" you need to make to help yourself move along, never let emotions take the better of your actions, involve yourself only when you too are/will be affected by the end result, etc. Hes just so remarkable to me. Cuz like at the end of the day, everything one does is bc they felt a desire to do it, be it for any reason at all, it's done bc you felt some need to do it. they say being selfless is a good thing but you cant get anywhere if you ARENT selfish. Ayanokoji understands that, and so things like acts of selflessness to him are just things he'll use to further his own reputation with those around him. anything that comes along thats extra to that is just bonus or not worth his concern. i dont usually speak in paragraphs in the comments, but i just enjoy his design that fucking much. unfortunately, im assuming what happens in the LNs is that he starts to move out of that mindset, or something along those lines, but i havent read it so idk


Yeah, he is the kind of man who knows what he wants and who has its priorities. He is always careful when dealing with people to make sure his long term goals will be meet. To me he is literally the definition of a psychopath since he does not have any emotions and all his choices are made only by pure logical thinking. He uses people as tools by manipulating them. At least that's what I can see as an anime watcher, I didn't read the LN yet. Like you I really admire his character! But let's be honest, in real life, if you don't have any interest in common you may avoid that kind of person lol ^^ Anyway this is a good show so far, I really enjoyed it! I hope they will do a reboot of the anime, it really deserves a better adaptation in my opinion;)

Peter Jajou

Glad you guys liked it, wish it was getting another season, but I got the link to the Light novels if you need em Sherm!


Ayanokoji is a fucking savage. I got chills when the OST started playing in the background when he had the internal monologue. Unfortunate that a season two won't come out anytime soon though.

Kai Hui

Read the LN yet? It´s my fav LN


Plus now season 3 has been announced, holding nothing back it seems.